Friday, August 7, 2009

Attaining God's Grace


Expecting God To Jump Into Our Meditation
When you put your mind aside and try not to listen to it, you will awaken this divine love. When you say, “God, I surrender to you. I tried my best. I did everything, every yoga, every meditation, I did it all in my life, but still it’s not coming. I say I’m tired of that; I surrender myself to you now. You do what you have to do.”

In this deep surrender, you’ll see how close God is with you. Because often we do lots of things but we have expectations. We pray, and we expect something. We meditate, we expect God to jump into our meditation. This expectation will not lead you anywhere. Only when you don’t expect anything from God, and accept, like a child, whatever the Father is giving, and are happy with whatever He gives you, then He will also give you the full realization of this divine love. So, look deep within yourself, and try your best to feel Him.

When you put your mind aside and try not to listen to it, you will awaken this divine love. When you say, “God, I surrender to you. I tried my best. I did everything, every yoga, every meditation, I did it all in my life, but still it’s not coming. I say I’m tired of that; I surrender myself to you now. You do what you have to do.”


Observe Spiritual Practices Without Expectation
In these ending days of the Kali Yuga Age the easiest way the Divine has given to attain enlightenment is the way Swami Vishwananda teaches: The path of devotion, Bhakti Marga that contains the attributes of love, patience and unity. The primary spiritual practices He instructs his devotees to observe are Atma Kriya (Yoga for the Soul), Japa (chanting the names of the Divine – may use a japamala); singing/chanting devotional songs - kirtan, satsang (spiritual gathering); worshiping Divinity through murti pujas and Vedic sacred fire ceremonies, yagnas. In the end, enlightenment is attained through Divine Grace. It comes when you are least expecting it! Be free of expectation. Be free! - Unity With The Divine

1 comment:

Tarun said...

Dear Guriji,

Your words are touching me more then I can say. I feel blessed. It is grace and honour to have the possibility to write you.

Thank You