Mahavatar Kriya Babaji: This is a fair question. Why? Since the beginning of time, God has sent teachers, Gurus, from the higher dimensions of wisdom and love to mankind. It is written: “When the student is ready, the teacher comes into the awareness.” Be aware that a teacher is not always a person or an Enlightened Master. Any experience may be a great teacher, for instance. And, eternally, through all the dimensions, this is how it is! Do you think one stops learning, experiencing when he remembers enlightenment, that he is a part of God? No, a million times, No! Creation is an endless, eternal experience. In a rudraksha bead (nutshell), this is why everyone is blessed and incurs benefits by having a Guru, a teacher, regardless of what dimension one is experiencing. My friends, the Guru is with you to lovingly and strictly adhere to Divine Will by assisting you to reach the next higher dimension that awaits your presence. It is written, and It is So!
Rudraksha Bead Mala

The Marriage of the Soul
Descending to the earth, that strange intoxicating beauty of the unseen world lurks in the elements of nature.
And the soul of man,who has attained the rightful balance,
becoming aware of this hidden joy,
straightaway is enamored and bewitched.
And from this mystic marriage are born the poets' songs, inner knowledge,the language of the heart, virtuous living,
and the fair child Beauty.
And the Great Soul gives to man as dowry the hidden glory of the world.
~Shabistari (Sufi Mystic)~
it is said that Dakshinamurti, an Incarnation of Shiva, one day was walking along the shore and watching how the sea was steadily purifying itself by washing all rubbish that had come into it ashore by the continuous movement of its waves. and so it is said He understood that eternal vigilance is the price for peace and happiness. JGD
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