Partilho convosco algumas das fotos da materialização de amrita (nectar divino) na murti do menino Jesus aqui no Ashram Little Vrindavan de Sri Swami Vishwananda de Portugal.
I share with you some photos of the materialization of amrita (divine nectar) in the murti of Jesus here in Little Vrindavan Ashram of Sri Swami Vishwananda of Portugal.
Essa materialização começou na noite do dia de 7 Janeiro e parou no dia seguinte.
This materialization began on the night of 7 January and stopped the next day.
Acho muito importante a partilha do amor.
I think that it is very important to share love
Com muito amor.
With much love. Mahesh
fenomenal - wonderful - wunderschön
I have never seen such a beautiful child Jesus Murti before.
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