Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Simplest Path

There are many ways to realize divinity within oneself, like there are many rivers that flow to the same ocean. The main thing is to find the simplest form.

Swami Vishwananda
The simpler it is, the more you feel free in whatever path, in whatever way you are; that is the best way. I can’t tell you the way you will realize God and what way you will not realize God. God is sitting deep inside the heart of man and you just need to focus your mind on your heart. Try your best at all times to feel Him. The best way is to start loving, without thinking of loving, without asking the question, “How to love?”

Train your mind to focus on God and train your mind to focus on your Self. By focusing, take any divine name, take any divine aspect and keep chanting the name. Then you realize that you have become one with this name. It’s not the name apart from you, but it’s the name of your own Self. The more you think of yourself being human, which many people often think about, the more they become human. But the more you think of yourself being the Spirit, being part of Divinity, the more you will become the Spirit and Divinity.

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