Sri Swami Vishwananda with Babaji Murti
Arati in Babaji Cave at Shree Peetha Nilaya--Ashram
of Swami Vishwananda
Arati in Babaji Cave at Shree Peetha Nilaya--Ashram
of Swami Vishwananda

Question on VBV Comments yesterday: “Dear Mahavatar Babaji, it is a deep wish from my heart to come into conscious contact with YOU. In your letter [VBV entry August 5, 2010], you indicate that YOU visit many of us during dream state or meditation. Although during prayers in the temple of Shree Peetha Nilaya and often during AK [Atma Kriya], I enjoy the gift of bliss, I miss the conscious contact to YOU. What`s wrong? What is my lesson? Thank YOU for your love.”
Mahavatar Babaji Response to Comment:
In so-called spiritual circles, you hear often: “God is joy," and "Follow your bliss.” This is truth: God is Love, Joy, Bliss. The one with these questions in VBV Comments states that s/he “enjoys the gift of bliss” during prayers at Swami Vishwananda’s ashram and during our Atma Kriya. Bliss is God, we have said, therefore, you are in union with God when you experience bliss; isn’t it? When you call a spiritual teacher, he comes, no matter what and whether or not you perceive him consciously! Christ said, “My Father and I are one. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father”. Like that, when you are in bliss you are in “contact” with me, Mahavatar Babaji, as I am One with the Father-Mother God. Yet the conscious minds of many who have achieved this high level attainment of bliss consciousness, yearn for a “conscious contact" with their etheric and Spiritual Teachers. Did not Krishna himself inform Arjuna when He showed Arjuna his Cosmic Form that the Gods, themselves, yearned for this vision of the Cosmic Form? This is understandable that even one who has achieved the high level of bliss consciousness also yearns, like the Gods, to perceive the forms and to have "conscious contact" with the Spiritual Teacher!
The Comment asks, “What is wrong? What is my lesson?” Absolutely nothing is wrong, please understand! Swami Vishwananda states above that “This love which is the presence of God Himself is ever brighter. It’s fully joyful. And it has eternal joy in it. But it gets shaded by all the karmic things that one has been doing in previous lives, also in this life itself.” This is one teaching that all of you may inquire within yourself if this is true for you and thereby may be a hinderance in allowing your conscious mind to perceive the Spiritual Teacher in form or to consciously be in contact . In truth, I am with all of you always. Many remember me, remember God, and therefore perceive me in dreams, visions, meditation and during Atma Kriya.
“Why not me”, some of you may be asking at this point? Refer firstly to Swami Vishwananda’s teaching above and inquire within yourselves. The solution for purifying this “karmic shading” Swami Vishwananda teaches: To get rid of all of this [karmic shading] is only through devotion. When one attains bhakti, when one awakens bhakti within oneself, love starts to shine. But actually, if you can love God without expecting anything from Him, that’s the best. That’s real devotion. That is real bhakti.
In my letter which you reference in your comment, I am encouraging those of you who wish to remember me consciously to “keep trying, and never give up.” Like Swami Vishwananda teaches also, “You have to sincerely and commitedly want something with enough intensity to create it; you have to want it enough." Think of a time when you embraced a desire to one-pointed, focused commitment and how easily you manifested it.
In truth, this is how you all manifested Swami Vishwananda in your lives, even if you consciously did not call him by name. You called a teacher into your life, even if you did not call what you wanted from God, "teacher." And the Divine sent you Swami Vishwananda. He found you, for your etheric call was like a vibrational beacon of light to one such as He! Remember that I informed my disciple, Sri Yukteswar, that I would send him a disciple to teach and spread the techniques of Kriya Yoga to the west. That disciple, Paramahansa Yogananda, began teaching Kriya Yoga in the west in 1920. I heard the people of the west calling me! It is the same with your desire to consciously connect with me or to manifest any desire--the teacher knows, the teacher hears you, God hears you!
Remember this portion of Swami Vishwananda’s teaching: “But actually, if you can love God without expecting anything from Him, that’s the best.” And at the same time, you can perceive your Spirital Teachers and have "conscious contact" when you want it enough; this is truth as I encouraged you in my previous letter you referenced.
I am Mahavatar Babaji, as you know me, and I am ever with you, one and all. You have only to want it enough to consciously perceive me. That is all!
1 comment:
Dear Babaji,
having received your answer so quickly I´m full of thankfulness.
Tears of purification are still
on the run.They bring more peace to the heart and deeper silence to the mind.When in bliss I feel like a baby gently rocked.Please,keep on rocking me!
All love from Shree Peetha Nilaya!
Jai Guru Dev
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