Swami Vishwananda Satsang Talk in South Africa, January 28, 2010 (and) Evening with Ma in South Africa Video:
MahaLakshmi-Shakti - Vishnu-Narayana
MahaLakshmi-Shakti - Vishnu-Narayana

Every child likes to be with the mother. Even if you are grown up, to your mother you are still small. You always will be small to your mother, and you know that. Your mother comes and tells you so many things. You say, “Mom, I know about it, you don’t need to tell me.” Even when you become very old, you always will be the child to the mother.
For the Cosmic Mother, no matter how many births you take, you always will stay the child. Like she says, she is the Parashakti. Parashakti means the Great Shakti, the shakti that gives forth to everything. Without that shakti, nothing will work, Once Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were saying very proudly, “We don’t need the Shaktis; we don’t need Lakshmi; we don’t need Saraswati. So they were very harsh towards them. So Maha Shakti, which is Skantamata Devi, the Cosmic Mother, appeared and said, “Lakshmi, Saraswati, Kali, come back to me.” So she took them, and she took the shakti from them.
You see, without the Shakti, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva can’t survive. It is the shakti , Itself, that gives them the power. So if this power has been taken away, there will be imbalance in them. So even though Brahma is the creator; Vishnu is the Preserver and Shiva is the destroyer, Shakti is the balance of it. Withthout knowledge there would be no creation and that is Goddess Saraswati. What does Maha Lakshmi mean . She means wealth, spiritual wealth, natural wealth and every wealth you can think about. Maha Lakshmi is the balancing that preserves things and balances through the Preserver. To preserve, you need sustaining, and Maha Lakshmi provides this.
Shiva is the destroyer. You can not destroy without the power of destruction. Shiva can’t destroy without Maha Shakti, that is Parvati Devi. So always when we look, we always see that Devi comes first always, then the men come afterwards. We don’t say Narayana-Lakshmi; we say Lakshmi-Narayana. We don’t say Krishna-Radha; we say Radha-Krishna. We don’t say Shiva-Parvati, we say Parvati-Shiva. Always we say Sita-Ram. It is always the Devi, the Mother, that comes first. It is said the mother is the head and the rest is the body.
Last night we were watching on the television, a movie entitled, “Fame.” There was a very beautiful scene in that movie. The girl in the movie actually wants to learn to sing. The father opposed, said, “No, what are you doing?” Then the Mother said to the girl, “You do what you have to do,” with such a tone that the Father keep quiet. But you see the power of the shakti that is inside. The shakti is not only in the Mothers; the shakti is present in everybody. Mataji is only the body of a woman, but inside is the Shakti and you also have inside the male quality. The same thing is true for men, they have the feminine quality. That is what enables one to have compassion and love. That is the Shakti; that is the Mother.
When you pray to Maha Shakti, you are invoking all the qualities of the Mother, calling her to be present among us and we can sit in her lap and enjoy it. That is us being a child. If you think a little bit, whatever the child wants, the Mother will provide. If you sit in the lap of the Mother like a baby, she will provide everything for you even without you asking. That is what Shankaracharya said: “Without asking if I can sit in your lap, Mother, you shall provide for me." That is how each one of us have to be. If we think we can attain something without the help of the Divine Mother; it is difficult. It is always through her help that makes everything easier for us.
Evening With Ma - Swami Vishwananda
In South Africa
I am weeping and i can not stop...Jai Jagadeesha Hare! Thank you.
Who am I but a servant of Shakina ,,Divine Mother...
But i long to hear Her tell me..which way to go now..which Master can tell me...since i saw you i have been unable to play my flute the same...
I shall sit in Mother's Lap...of course...She knows my Heart...If i can not serve this new generation...if i can not share the Love She has given me...if i can not Bless the children..
What have i left to do? Why then am i still here? My life is not filled with Gold coins...i am a simple sadhu really...
Ah, But - my Joy is Boundless when i am in Mothers Lap and i have All the wealth of Mother Earth at my disposal...
I am Your servant...Jai Jagadeesha Hare. All the Mother's Masters are my Masters...All the Emanations of Divine Mother are my Mother...and All the True Masters...All the True Sat Guru's are my Teachers...
Who then are you Swami? And who then am i? i am bowing at the altar in my cave...
Jai Jai Guru Dev! Namaste, Namaste, Namo Namaha. Blessings.
i believe that there is no greater word in the world then Mother, particulary for men.
She makes men ashamed and thankful.
Inside there is always One who is waiting in case nothing works...
Mother helps where no Help excist anymore...
Thank You.
Whom could I fear in the universe
where my Mother is matriarch?
I live with perfect ease upon her estate,
indivisible awareness and bliss.
I am her direct tenant,
free from formality and hierarchy.
There is no payment of rent for this sanctuary,
this garden of nonduality,
its value beyond assessment by the mind.
Nor can my sacred abode be sold at auction,
for there are no owners and nothing to own.
The manager of Mother's holdings, Lord Shiva,
transcends every limited conception and transaction.
There is no disharmony or injustice here,
for there is no division, no separation.
Mother does not impose the heavy tax
of religious obligation.
My only responsibility of stewardship
is constant inward remembrance,
eternally breathing Kali, Kali, Kali.
This mad poet lover,
born directly from Divine Mother,
cherishes one consuming desire:
to purchase her diamond paradise of delight
with the boundless treasure of pure love
and give it away freely to all beings.
eighteenth century, original language Bengali
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