Mahavatar Babaji & Lord Krishna
My Dear Internet Friends:
It is time for me to state plainly here in contemporary language some of my times of interaction with mankind over time. Many a face I have worn in my encounters with various persons who have taken embodiment to further the Divine Plan for Earth and Man. Many times, through these Divinely appointed ones, I have poured forth into your environments at any given time the truths that will set you free. Now in your present forms, those of you who read this modern communication of the Internet, I come once again, for a certain time, to be with you who resonate from the heart with my vibration and my teachings of this period of time.
The universal truths are forever unchanged. The vernacular of present day may read somewhat differently in words, but the basic and universal truth contained in them remains eternally the same. I bring the truth in this form so that you may choose to take it to heart and implement it into your thoughts, words and actions of life and set yourselves free. Ever, there are dissenters in any age for any presentation of Divine Truth. And these too, in time, will align with the free will given them by the Creative Force and find their way to freedom and back into the Oneness which ever remains universal and cosmic truth.
The following Truths have been reported to you from man’s identification of my vibration as Mahavatar Kriya Babaji. I here declare, through my Imprinting Technique that Lahiri Mahasaya informed you about, that the following Is Truth:
Mahavatar Kriya Babaji was incarnated on Earth as Lord Krishna.
Lahiri Mahasaya said many times that Mahavatar Babaji was Lord Krishna.
Paramahansa Yogananda met Mahavatar Kriya Babaji, prayed to him as Babaji-Krishna, and wrote about him in Autobiography Of A Yogi.
Babaji and the 18 Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition by
M. Govindan provides information of great value to the modern mind and heart of the Divine Plan for Earth and Man.
Haidikan Babaji was a modern-day incarnation of Mahavatar Kriya Babaji.
Mahavatar Kriya Babaji is incarnated in more than one physical body on Earth today while retaining his Immortal form in the Himalayas. Babaji chooses to whom he reveals himself in any form. He chooses not to state who these individual forms are at this point in time. Babaji says that people who wish to meet him in his present physical forms must sincerely wish it from the heart.
Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God proposes that Mahavatar Kriya Babaji at one time resurrected himself from the dead.
Mahavatar Babaji says about Walsch's statement now: This is truth and is accomplished easily when one knows and embodies the eternal truth of life. All of you who free yourselves from illusion may do the same. Jesus demonstrated the simplicity of Walsch's statement when he awakened his friend, Lazarus, from “the dead.” Paramahansa Yogananda demonstrated this same simplicity of Walsch's declaration when his body did not deteriorate for a scientific observation of 21 days after so-called physical death of the body.
Since Lahari Mahasaya told his story of meeting Babaji in the Himalayas, many people on Earth have encountered Mahavatar Babaji in dreams, visions, intuition, inner third-eye vision and face-to-face.
Mahavatar Babaji says about Lahiri Mahasaya's story now: Many people have reported these encounters with Babaji to you as guided to do so. And many have kept these meetings close to their own hearts as so guided. All these are within the Divine Plan for Earth and Man.
The truths stated above about Mahavatar Kriya Babaji may be found written through many sources on Earth today, including the Internet through which this communication is reaching you.
Hereby, I declare that what is written herein is truth.
–Mahavatar Kriya Babaji
wonderful news! JGD
Incredible as it may sound, but Babaji protects the Live on Earth like Vishnu - Narayana.
Thank You Dear Mahavatar for being with us in all Your Forms.
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
"Wo der Geist ohne Furcht ist und man das Haupt erhoben trägt,
Wo man das Wissen frei verschänkt,
Wo die Welt nicht nicht durch enge Grenzen zerstückelt wird,
Wo die Worte dem Quellgrund der Wahrheit entspringen,
Wo die Hände in unermüdlichem Streben nach der Vollendung greifen,
Wo der klare Strom der Vernunft nicht im Wüstensand trockner Gewohnheit versiegt,
Wo Du den Geist zu immer edlerem Denken und Handeln bewegst,
In diesem Land der Freiheit, o Vater, lasse mein Land erwachen!"
(von Rabindranath Tagore aus "Autobiographie eines Yogi", Paramahansa Yogananda)
What a blessing to live in this time!
Thank You,Mahavatar Babaji,for the
knowledge You give to us.My mind can`t comrehend it,but my heart feels
deep joy.It now begins to be impatient for the longing to be one
with You in Your eternal bliss grows
more and more.
You must be Narayana! Am I right?
In deep love and devotion
Narayana and Shiva are one.
from the heart:....
Mahavatar Kriya Babaji is incarnated in more than one physical body on Earth today while retaining his Immortal form in the Himalayas. Babaji chooses to whom he reveals himself in any form. He chooses not to state who these individual forms are at this point in time. Babaji says that people who wish to meet him in his present physical forms must sincerely wish it from the heart.
...from your heart will you resonate?
by M. Govindan, 2001. 216 pages with 33 color photos, 4 maps, 100 bibliographic references and glossary. Price: US$16.95, CA$22.31 (inc gst) plus US$4.50 for shipping and handling to the US or CA$3.50 within Canada. US$15.45 for overseas airmail. ISBN 978-1-895383-00-3. Softcover. 6 x 9 inches.
The first authoritative biography of Babaji, the immortal master made famous by Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi", an all-time best seller. Babaji lives today near Badrinath, in the upper Himalayan mountains. His body has not aged since the age of sixteen, when centuries ago he attained the supreme state of enlightenment and divine transformation. This followed his initiation into the scientific art of Kriya Yoga by two deathless masters, the Siddhas Agastyar and Boganathar, who belonged to the "18 Siddha Tradition", famous among the Tamil speaking people of southern India. This rare account, by a longtime disciple, reveals their little known life stories, ancient culture and present mission, as well as how their Kriya Yoga can be used to bring about the integration of the material and spiritual dimensions of life. Clear explanations of the psychophysiological effects of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are given. It includes verses from the Siddhas' writings with commentary. A book which will inspire you.
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