with Swami Vishwananda
Very often people go on a spiritual path
in a very superficial way, saying, “Let me
try it. Let me see what it is about.”
But these people will not reach anywhere. If
you have one foot in and one foot out,
one day you will drop in the middle. It’s
like it is said, you can’t enter two boats
at the same time
because when the boats start to move,
what will happen?
You will fall in the middle, you will fall in
the ocean. Same way if the boat is sinking,
you have to run quickly and find the
boatman so that he can help you
to cross this ocean of life.
By being in deep meditation,
Shiva is inspiring you all to look inside, to turn
your gaze, not on the outside but inside.
-Swami Vishwananda
The more you advance
towards the Divine,
the more the Divine will show
Himself to you,
and the more
you will have different aspects
of the Divine coming to you.
Eventually, in Divine timing,
you will perceive
the Divine everywhere.
- Swami Vishwananda
MahaLakshmi Mantra
Swami Guiding Meditation:
Energizing the Divine names inside of you through energizing the Spirit with the Divine name. . .
- Close your eyes.
- Take a few deep breaths.
- Inhale and exhale.
- Remove all your tensions.
- Remove all the thoughts from your mind.
- As you are breathing out, let all the thoughts from the mind be released.
- Inhale and exhale, without giving any break in between.
- So inhale, directly exhale and when you have exhaled completely, directly inhale. (Silence)
- Now focus your attention in between your eyebrows.
- Whatever thought is in your mind which is passing by, don’t try to stop it, let it pass, let it go! Don’t hang on it because if you hang on it, it will hang on you. (Silence)
- Focus your attention on the center point in between your eyebrows.
- Chant your mantra at that point. Chant your Guru mantra or a manta you know or: Om…Namo…Bhagavate…Vasudevaya…Namaha.
- Chant the mantra not in the heart, but chant it in between your eyebrows. Chant it slowly and feel each word of the mantra that you are chanting. (Long silence)
-Now, come back to yourself and open your eyes.
- Practice this for 15 minutes each day.
Maybe you will not reach the Samadhi state the first meditation but with practice you will. Usually you do not reach Samadhi in one go. This is how you energize the Divine names inside of you; you energize the Spirit with the Divine name. So practice it; do it for 15 minutes everyday. It’s not much, is it?
Excerpted from Pre-Darshan Talk of Swami Vishwananda, February 5, 2010. For availability of CDs and DVDs of this talk and others, and further information of Swami Vishwananda and Bhakti Marga, please contact: www.bhaktimarga.org.
The Lord (or King) of Dance is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for god Brahma to start the process of creation. SHIVA is most often depicted through a statue. The dance of Shiva in Tillai, the traditional name for Chidambaram, forms the motif for all the depictions of Shiva as Nataraja. He is also known as "Sabesan" which splits as "Sabayil aadum eesan" in Tamil which means "The Lord who dances on the dais".The form is present in most Shiva temples in South India, and is the main deity in the famous temple at Chidambaram.
Shivaratri 2010
Shivalingam (with Shiva Nataraji) has been blessed by Mahavatar Babaji. He has given the lingam the name Mrityumbageshwar. The meaning is “the one who removes all suffering and inspires people to realize the Divine. (Beautifully dressed after Abishekum by Gurudeva).
One: Swami Vishwananda talks of Shivaratri…
Two: Shivaratri Letter from Babaj…
Three: Brief Shivaratri Celebration Exponential Meaning…
One - Swami Vishwananda: Through the Divine names which have been given, go inside and utilize the cosmic name of God and attain Him. That’s what Shiva teaches us.
Shivaratri actually is the great night of Lord Shiva, the one which is with form and without form. What is Shiva meditating upon? He meditates so that we may reach that same deep state of meditation. We have not yet realized the purpose of our incarnation on Earth. We have not yet realized how great it is to have a human body, but we can reach that state. We have to really want it, but not superficially.Very often people walk on a spiritual path in a very superficial way, saying, “Let me try it. Let me see what it is about.” These people will not reach anywhere. We have incarnated for a reason and we have a human body for a reason. But we will not find this reason until we take this body into pure love and devotion. This is where your Sadhana comes in (spiritual practice). When you develop this pure love and devotion, then you will know the meaning of this human body. You then will enjoy being in this body and you will know the purpose of being here.
Look, and you will see that whenever something good happens to you, it is easy for you to forget about it. Good things are always happening, and when something that you consider is not good happens to you, you treasure it. You treasure it with your mind. Your mind has to dwell on the Divine, not on your problems. You will solve your problems by the means which God has given you within, faith and devotion. Actually in the ladder of creation, being human is the top. It’s true because only by attaining a human body, a human life, can you really attain the Creator, actually become one with the Creator. For this, we have to want Him. And to want Him means to devote oneself sincerely, to develop this pure love that is already there, just to let it out and let it spread around. Through the Divine names which have been given, go inside and utilize the cosmic name of God and attain Him. That’s what Shiva teaches us.
Two: Shivaratri Letter from Babaji:
This Shivalingam has been blessed by Mahavatar Babaji. Mahavatar has given the lingam the name Mrityumbageshwar. The meaning is “the one who removes all suffering and inspires people to realize the Divine.” Abishekam Picture (Previous not 2010)
There Is No Difference
Forget about your body.
Concentrate on yourself and
The Divine within you.
If the mind is playing games with you,
Close your eyes and repeat inside,
“I am the light. I am love.
I am joy, I am peace!
”Recite it many times,
Until you become this light,
This love, this joy, and this peace.
See it.
See it in the eyes of God
That There is no difference;
See it in the eyes of Jesus;
You will see there is no difference.
See it in the eyes of Krishna;
You will see there is no difference.
See in the eyes of any master,
That there is no difference.
But if you try to see this Light, this Divine Love
with the mind,
You will see difference. . .nothing else.
Mahavatar Kriya Babaji:
Dear Fellow Citizens of Earth:
We come to a crossroads in life many times, and our choice of which fork in the road to take determines, at times a great extent, our next steps in the spiritual life as well as the physical life. In past weeks, this has occurred for many of you, who follow Swami Vishwananda. Let it be said that a cleansing is taking place. And note that there is nothing wrong or right in this opportunity to reach for a higher rung on the ladder of spiritual progression; it simply is!
My chelas, know that time stands still, in the greater sense, when one is on a pinnacle of evolution where great change is the only option. Earth and her peoples are standing in this place now. Shiva has come out of his cosmic meditation, He stands up now, and the mandate he currently is offering mankind is causing the Earth to experience the cleansing nature of God’s commitment to Man’s spiritual and physical evolution.
What is the mandate on this blog for the duration of the time we will spend together in this forum? And remember that our standing question in this format is: “Will you resonate from the heart?”
Our Mandate: We will continue to work with the trinity of the soul in embodiment: Union of body, mind, and spirit is our goal. We truly “earn our keep,” on Earth when we fight for the common man to retrieve his rights of freedom on both the physical and the spiritual. We “love our neighbor as ourselves,” and we attune to the Divine within the all. We will continue as we have before, in truth and love and light. And so it is written and so it is!
Truth stands the test of time and space and carries into forever. Our love and compassion for our fellowmen stands in this truth of forever. Let it be said that the chelas who stand with Mahavatar Kriya Babaji and their Spiritual Teacher, Swami Vishwananda, take our hands and follow the tenets of old that state that man is redeemable from his own self-created concept of sin. Sin is an illusion made real only in the capricious minds of mankind who have not yet gone deep within the Self where the truth lies freely there for each of you. No one may be locked out of the Kingdom of God; it is within everyone the same. And so it is.
I am Mahavatar Kriya Babaji, enlightened, it is truth. Likewise are you all enlightened; you have only to remember.
Note I: Tomorrow we will have for you, Part II of Gautam Dhar’s story, “In Search of Mahavatar Babaji’s Cave.” Utpalavati will share a brief account of her search for Babaji at Badrinath, India in the high Himalayas and the wonderful Vishnu temple at Badrinath. Gautam and Utpalavati share similarities of one particular experience in their independent searches for Babaji in the Himalayas.
The Kalki Avatar, The Tenth Avatara of Lord Vishnu, yet to be identified, for most of Mankind living on Earth today: Note II: The following comment is offered anonymously referencing VBV blog entry (Link): http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-from-babaji-krishna-incarnated.html
Comment: "Babaji Incarnated as Krishna.” In reading this entry, I was reminded that Swami Vishwananda has recommend that his disciples read the book, "The Essence of the Gita," by Paramahansa Yogananda. This book was transmitted to Yogananda directly by Mahavatar Babaji. See the Link: http://www.essenceofthegita.com/
Yogananda states clearly that Babaji has incarnated many times as the Vishnu Avatara. These incarnations include Lord Krishna and Narasimha, the Lion-Man. Babaji transmitted to Yogananda that He/Vishnu would come again in Kali Yuga as Kalki Avatar. The book is a fantastic, story-like resource of many spiritual insights, and it reads as well as "The Autobiography of a Yogi."
Mahavatar Kriya Babaji
By Gautam Dhar/California, USA:
“Leave your cold intellect behind before approaching
the sacred and serene mountains (Himalayas).”
The following is an account of my journey to Mahavatar Babaji’s Cave in the Dronagiri area of the Himalayas. I took the trek on 29th of July 2009, along with my Father. After several visions and signals from the Masters, I finally made the trek deep into the Mountains at about 9,000 feet.
Arrival at Mahavatar Babaji’s Cave: Finally we saw the steps and the door of the Cave. I asked my Father to do the honors and unlock the door. As soon as he opened the door, a sudden rush of energy went through me as I saw the interior of the sacred Cave. On first look, one could say that 4 to 5 people could easily sit next to each other in the Cave. We noticed that drops of water were trickling down from the cave top, which we attributed to the recent rain. Although YSS (Yogoda Satsang Society-Paramahansa Yogananda’s organization in India associated with SRF in California, USA) has put up a marker, gate and steps. The cave itself is natural and could be thousands of years old. I would like to refrain from making any claim on this, however. Since the plastic spread inside the Cave was wet, we decided to spread our raincoats and sit on them. I sat in the Lotus pose (Padamasana) and was immediately lost in a trance. One does not have to try and meditate as it comes naturally where one almost feels being present on a different plane far away from the mundane world. The silence and the grace that prevailed within the cave were unlike anything I had experienced before in my lifetime.
Link for complete story: http://gdhar.com/2009/08/08/in-search-of-mahavatar-babajis-cave/
Swami Vishwananda:
Prayers to Mahavatar Kriya Babaji
The more you advance
towards the Divine,
the more the Divine will show
Himself to you, and the more
you will have different aspects
of the Divine coming to you.
Eventually, in Divine timing,
you will perceive
the Divine everywhere.
Holy Spirit Rain Down