Work of Swami Vishwananda’s Seva Society, Kenya, Africa
Link - http://www.bhaktimarga.org/
"We are a group of volunteers based in Nairobi who have formed a Seva society. Our vision is to serve the needy children, the less fortunate, and to create a better environment for them. We believe that through love and selfless deed (service) we can make a difference and create a life-change for the less fortunate.
"Our Focus and Commitments
We are committed to serving the less fortunate children by visiting homes in Nairobi and offering them assistance such as Food, Wheelchairs, etc. …"
Mahavatar Babaji Quote of the Day
“Running a marathon does not apply to the spiritual path. In running, you could miss something along the way and have to run back to retrieve it. You may tire of this kind of force approach after some time—from all the energy you expend in the running. This cautions you to peacefully move forward, and do not place pressure on yourself to advance on your spiritual path any faster than is afforded you the energy to move forward. You must learn the lessons divinely planned for each step along your way. Therefore, take your time and do not attempt a marathon approach to spirituality. It won't work! And you will just have to go back and pick up the lessons you missed on your run, see”? –Babaji
1 comment:
Dear Babaji,
Dear Guriji,
yes, i think/hope that i have understood You...
i would like to say thank You for Your Help and Love in 2010.
Also i thank Utpalavati, my sisters and brothers for their Work, Prayers and Love.
You helped me a lot!
From my heart -
A Happy New Year
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