Mahavatar Babaji Quote of the Day:
Once you taste the fruits of the vine when you go ‘out on a limb where the fruit is the sweetest’, you never again find a real climax of pleasure in worldly activities for their own sake.
Mahavatar says today: The luxury of walking through life as if one is asleep disappears when one realizes he is part of the Divine. The Earth experience is drawing to a close for many of you. You long for the Divine Love, peace and contentment that comes with an awareness fully awakened. So, Let It Be. -Babaji
Swami Vishwananda:
Each one has his own way of feeling God. For some, the Divine will express itself as complete joy. For others, the Divine will express Itself as separation. For some it is joy just to be in love with the Divine, and just to know that He is there. .Actually you can describe every feeling as coming from the Divine. Which feeling, then, is the right feeling? Each person is on a different level of vibration and, therefore, feels the Divine in his own way.
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