Swami Vishwananda in Centro D’Ompio & A Mahavatar Leela In Song
Swami Vishwananda Shirdi Sai Yagna at Centro D'Ompio
Shirdi Sai Yagna in Centro D’Ompio, Italy with Swami Vishwananda: A friend who spoke with Swami yesterday said that Swami told him the Face in the fire is Shirdi Sai and that Hanuman came also to the yagna!
Vibhuti materialized by Swami Vishwananda at the Shirdi Sai Yagna
Nice Leela on Comments yesterday's entry "Wisdom of Love - Liberation": Thank You dear Swamiji, Babaji, Utpalavati and everyone who lets the Divine love shine through him/her in the "outside" for us all! Yesterday, when I was shopping in a grocery in the consciousness of Divine Love, trying to share looks with people, suddenly the music "Let It Be" (by the Beatles) played on. Wonderful Leela! In the morning I had read in the blog (VBV) where this song should emphasize the words of wisdom of Mahavatar Babaji. With love, Parvati. . . (Referencing: http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/09/mahavatar-babaji-once-upon-time-in.html )
Comment Today on this entry--From Achala: I had the same experience with the song of The Beatles today in the shop :) Thank you, Babaji!
Utpalavati: Tune In...Mahavatar Babaji is coming closer and closer...The only way to connect with His vibration...You Know It..Through the heart!
LET IT BE - Whisper Words of Wisdom -There Will Be An Answer
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
the song "Mother Mary comes to me" (Beatles) opens my heart as it was ca. 40 years ago.
There is somebody who is living in "Shree Peetam Neelaya" who reminds me at John Lennon.
"All You need is Love"
Thank You from my heart
I had the same experience with the song of The Beatles today in the shop :)
Thank you, Babaji!
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