Once, a child we know in the west sat in a little red rocking chair on Earth at six years old. He made the connection with the Divine at this point of the thousand-petaled lotus when he heard a song on the radio, “How Great Thou Art.” So greatly the bhakti within his heart was awakened, that from that moment onward he searched for this God of “How Great Thou Art.” It is such moments of great awareness that each and every one has in life, wherein it can be known that The Divine does not leave anyone to flounder alone on his path back to the Divine. All of you have these moments in life, wherein you connect with the greater awareness though the crown chakra, the thousand-petaled lotus. Remember these times in your own life and trust that the Divine communicates with Itself, You, throughout your incarnations and you never are left alone! We adore that which we aspire to be, isn’t it? That is all right!
Let It Be. It is so! I am Babaji, a red-violet lotus flower I hand you in the etheric energy of that which I AM, only Love Divine, and so are you, my beloved chelas of the Internet. -Babaji

The Sahasrara chakra symbolizes detachment from illusion, an essential element in obtaining sacred higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one. Often referenced as a thousand-petaled lotus, it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate.
When a yogi is able to raise his energy of consciousness up to the Sahasrara point, the state of Samadhi, or union with God, is experienced. The Sahasrara chakra is often related to the pineal gland and the violet color.
1 comment:
Dearest Mahavatar,through the greatness of thy heart we receive more and more silence and bliss devine.Please,open up our tension-full
hearts more and more to YOUR vibration.With your letters YOU help
us in such an easy and (in-)direct way
with the IT of out time.Wish to switch soon from the IT to the IT.(from the InterNet to the InnerNet).
Silence and Love,Ramayotee
Thank you,Utpalavati,for the knowledge
about Sahasrara.Jai Guru Dev
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