Babaji’s Yantra Overview: Maha Avatar Babaji’s Yantra is a graphic representation of his evolving mission to Earth. The Yantra represents the Oneness Vibration of Love Divine that Maha Avatar Babaji exemplifies and teaches his disciples how to become.
Yantra definition: A yantra is a symbolic geometric spiritualized design usually pertaining to a particular deity; ritual diagrammatic representation.
Large outward Circle: Represents Cosmic Awareness; all that is, The Divine, God. The circle depicts the unlimited nature of creation without beginning or end. The circle symbolizes the limitation that mankind perceives and lives and does indeed exist within the unlimitedness of All That Is, God. Therefore, Babaji has come to assist humanity in perceiving beyond his limitations through striving for Cosmic Consciousness or Enlightenment, the unlimited.
Square: The square is equivalent to the point beyond Earth’s density where Cosmic Awareness meets Earth’s density. The four Vedas are represented in the square as Maha Avatar is Master of the Vedas. All the Vedic knowledge and wisdom resides in Babaji, without limit.
Six Pointed Star: The star consists of two sacred geometric triangles. The downward pointing triangle represents humanity’s divine opportunity to merge with Cosmic Consciousness through the descent of The Divine Avatar to Earth’s density—Jagadguru Maha Avatar Babaji. The upward pointing triangle represents the inherent divine gift of humanity’s ability to strive to reach Cosmic Consciousness—Enlightenment, Self-realization, God.
Sphere in middle of Six-pointed Star: The circle represents The Divine Heart from which everything originates and flows outward to the Star, The Square and the Circle of Cosmic Awareness, All That Is—God.
SATSANG TALK: Satsang with Swami Vishwananda on Friday night, December 4, 2009 brought His detailed explanation of the meaning of the Hiranyagarbha Lingam. For a brief report to be followed by a detailed text please click on Link: http://swamivishwananda-info.blogspot.com/2009/12/satsang-about-hiranyagarbha-lingam.html
Darshan Saturday Night, December 5, 2009 Link: http://swamivishwananda-info.blogspot.com/2009/12/darshan.html
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