Thursday, December 31, 2009
All Year Express Happiness and Sing
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Letter From Babaji - Resolve to be a Yogi in 2010

Dear Friends,
Now is the Time for Resolve
In 2010 let us resolve to become the best we can be.
Let us resolve to live our lives in attunement with Divine Will.
Let us resolve to run with the wind in freedom to be.
Let us freely resolve to soar to the heights of Garuda, Vishnu's vahana.
Let us love our fellow men as we love ourselves
Let us do unto our fellow men that which
we would have them do unto us.
Both these things are as the Christ taught.
Let us walk on water, literally walk on water in 2010.
Resolve to be at the consciousness in 2010 that has the ability to fly free as Vishnu's Garuda and to walk on water like the Apostle Peter with the Christ.
How does one do this?
Your spiritual body can do these things
when you set it free and become conscious of this inherent ability.
Let your Self out of
Your self-made prison.
It Is 2010
It Is Time!
I wish for you in 2010 that you resolve to be the best you can be
and that is: A Divine Free Will Soul living the life on Earth
as you were meant to be...
F as in Freedom.
R as in Resolve.
E as in Everything is possible with God.
E as in Eternal Life is your birthright.
Resolve to be free; be a Yogi in 2010.
Remember that Swami Vishwananda taught you recently: "Krishna said to Arjun: “Dear Arjun, be free. Be like a Yogi and raise your weapon and fight.” When Krishna said that to Arjun, he did not say it only to Arjun. Krishna said that to all of us. We are all Yogis but we have to be free. What is a Yogi? It is somebody who is free!"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Grace of God is With You
Once a student went to his Guru and said: “Master, I am troubled.” The master stood right in front of him and came very near to his face, like this microphone, and said: “Why do you hang on the illusion? You know, whatever is in this mind is an illusion, why do you hang on that? You know very well that deep inside of you only God resides. Why don´t you find joy inside of this?” Then the master said: “My dear child, recite for 24 hours, nonstop, your Guru mantra and meditate intensely for 4 hours and you will conquer the mind.” Of course the grace of the Guru was there.
The grace of God is with you. When I tell you to chant the name of God 24 hours, you ask: “What if I sleep?” How can we chant when we are sleeping? But that is the secret of mantra japa,. The more you train yourself by chanting throughout the day the name of God, the more you train yourself in reciting continuously in every action to remember the Divine, the more it will become automatic. Then even when you sleep, you will carry on chanting and you will carry on singing the Divine names. And practice your spiritual sadhana, because your spiritual practice is like a shield, like an armor, that has been given to you to protect you. And when you are protected you don´t need to fear anything. But if you have been given an armor, you put it in a wardrobe. Then when you have many enemies attacking you, how will you protect yourself? Tell me, would you be protected? No. So why put the armor inside a wardrobe! Wear it (chant the mantra continuously as your armor) and be disciplined about it, self-disciplined.
Monday, December 28, 2009
We Live Like Caged Animals In A Time of Change
We live in a time of change and it is a time when we have to change ourselves. We live in a time when we have to start taking responsibility. As long as we do not take responsibility, we weaken ourselves. When we analyze ourselves, we see our own limitation. Even then deep inside ourselves, there is another voice that says: “Hey you have to wake up.” There is something greater than our limitation. And yet, the limitation of the mind is strong. We are in our own game and we don´t want to jump out of our game.
It is like

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Unto you, this day, a Savior is Born

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Annunciation by Archangel Gabriel - Swami Speaks of Christ

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: . . .
And in the sixth month (from the conception of John the Baptist by Elizabeth) the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.
And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that are highly favored, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women.
And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.
And the angel said unto her; Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God.
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name, Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his Father David.”
"Ad he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?"
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
And, behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month with her, who Was called barren.
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
From the Book of Luke:1:26-38, Bible King James Version
Swami Vishwananda: As one matures and grows older with the years, you understand the deeper meaning of Christmas. It’s not just a festival where you go to Churches. People of the Christian tradition like to go to the Churches for Midnight Mass. And I have been to the Hindu Bhajan singing. Actually, Christmas is not about that! It’s true that Christ was born some 2000 years ago. Christmas is about celebrating Christ’s birth and life. Because He brought something new to the world; Jesus gave the teaching of forgiveness with Love.
Along with Christ, many Avatars have come to Earth. For sure, they all have brought Love, but the Love did not include forgiving. Many Saints have come, prophets have come, but the Love was just, “Yes, I love you”, but there was always a condition to the Love. And also if you did something wrong to them, you would get back what is wrong. But Jesus brought this forgiveness, unconditional love, which is a greater teaching, a greater way of being.That’s why in prayer the Christians keep reminding all to forgive what you have done wrong, forgiveness of yourself actually. You yourself forgive. It’s not about God forgiving you, but you forgiving yourself.
Focus on the Love that you carry inside of you. And Christ is born. It’s nice outside to celebrate Him, but Christ is born inside each one of us. And this rebirth is not only because of Christmas time. He is born continuously in each cell of your body.
Sending all readers wishes for a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas and Harmonious, Peaceful and Loving Spiritual Advancement in 2010. -Utpalavati
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Masters Have A Solution for Everything

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Autobiography of a Yogi

Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Letter from Babaji: Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

Place of Crucifixion

The Edicule (Christ's Tomb)
This structure preserves the location of Christ's tomb. Though the cave here was carved away by a Muslim ruler 1000 years ago, a clear history remains that this has been the revered location of the tomb. (Reference Google)

Mahavatar Babaji:
When time stands still, one is the happiest, isn’t it? When man stands still, the heart has opened to Divine, Infinite Love. How can that be? In stillness, the calm that comes from heavenly communion with nature and beyond time’s domain brings Heavenly scents and scenes that come to those who have conquered time. Rush toward the Self that each of you possesses in the stillness beyond Earthly desires of the flesh, and blood, and bones. Let time recede into its own domain and you choose the heavenly scenes of timelessness. Let it be said that those of you, who resonate from the heart, learn to stand on your own two feet through bypassing the desires of the Earth and its environs that keep you on the wheel of karma lifetime after lifetime.

When one visits such places as the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, pictured above, there is wondrous energy stemming from the great happenings that manifested there. Also at the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, there are sacred, high levels of energy laid down by countless numbers of people praying and venerating the life of Christ Jesus that merge with one’s own energy to magnify the possibility of transformation in humankind. Go to these sacred places and accept the love that is there. And be aware that you must connect this Divine energy with your own Atmic Self energy to manifest the Divine right of each human to receive the blessing from the birthright of one such as the Christ. Be it forevermore known that you are Divine, even as the Christ taught: “"Even greater things than I have done, you shall do.” Accept and embrace this teaching and know that you, too, are Divine, even as the Christ was and is Divine. What greater thing than that is there for you to realize?
-Babaji, One Who Lives Forever. Amen and OM
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Remembering Divine Transformation
You are all here for one truth. This truth is love, equal in all of you, and present in each one of your hearts. This love is waiting to come out and to express itself. But so often there is a blockage. So often there is a wall that stops man from loving unconditionally.
When you realize that the only path is to love and to be love, you realize how much God loves his creation. The same way God loves is the same way you can love. All other kinds of love are secondary, because all of you are here to become love.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Divine Love Connects Us All

Faith is the same everywhere.
When true faith arises in the heart of man,
all outside images disappear.
We have to understand that
God does not have any religion.
God does not have any caste.
God does not have any color.
God is beyond all this.
We have to achieve this Oneness
with the Divine beyond all diversity
on the outside.
God has created everyone equally.
He has placed Himself equally
in everybody’s heart.
God lives in the form of Love
in the hearts of all people.
Everyone is an aspect of this Divine Love.
Regardless of your religion,
be it Christian. . .
or any other path,
this Divine Love connects us all.
Faith is the same everywhere.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Letter from Babaji - Christmas Greetings to One and All

Christmas Greetings
To One and All
Dear Internet Friends and Colleagues: It is that time of year when the Christian tradition celebrates the birth of the Christ Child. Christ Jesus taught the beautiful lesson of Love and Compassion. “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” Let you be one who promises within yourself, praise be to the Divine, should you be one who resonates to Christ's message, to be faithful all your days to his teaching. Let it be said that the chelas who resonate to the vibration of Swami Vishwananda and Babaji read between the lines of the Christian Bible and insert, for modern times, the truth of all spiritual traditions. And you all know that the Oneness of Love that the Christ taught you is the truth of all religions, all traditions. Let it be known world-wide that Swami Vishwananda and I, Babaji, teach you the same truths of the Christ and what the Christ Child represents this Holy Season on Earth.
Amen and OM
Babaji Says Today: Someone out there who reads this blog regularly is in need and feels some measure of desperation in his life. That person is praying to him for a certain help in a dilemma he finds himself in these days. Babaji says you will know who you are. And the rest of you who read this blog may be reminded of the truths in this letter and find something in the letter, again, to inspire you on your way always. Mahavatar sends Christmas greetings to One and All.
Mahavatar Letter:
Babaji's Letter reprinted from VBV blog of Saturday, November 7, 2009:
From time since the beginning, that in essence truly is without beginning and without end, we have stood with humanity as you strive to reach the highly elusive Oneness Consciousness. To reach Oneness and be aware of The All, Omniscience, and to know that you are a measure of the Infinite One as Divine Love, who survives and lives forever is the highest formula for living on Earth. This is universal and is not distinguished as exclusive for old or young, aware or unaware, tired or energetic, beautiful or not-so-beautiful, good and not-so-good, Enlightened Master or struggling and unemployed house-holder, or all of the duality contained in the World View of Consciousness.
To the one who wrote a comment here asking for guidance as to the best way to live in this world: May I urge you to place action and commitment into your words and into your writing thoughts. To progress further on the spiritual path, one who actually is writing a true longing to progress spiritually, to grasp the greater truths must go within the Self, understand what one needs to do to accomplish what one seeks and then place that into life, into daily actions, thoughts, and words. Just begin!
Let your mantra and prayer be:
This day, Oh Lord of Life,
help me to live what I long to become.
Let me become, this day,
the higher teachings in my life
and in my being.
Let me become Divine Love
and express it to the All,
all the time.
May I be committed,
and take responsibility,for my own progression into Light,
now and forevermore!
Amen, OM, OM, OM
This is truth: None of your teachers or spiritual guides can create this Oneness Consciousness for you! We can help; we can freely give you Divine love from our hearts, spiritual teachings, and even high vibrational energy that you physically may feel. What you do with all this love and assistance is up to you, personally. So, take action, and move yourself forward.
To all of you: Of course, all the above applies to everyone. Choose not to stay stopped or stagnated any longer. Take inventory, connect with the Divine Love in your Heart, and then take action to become the Light Being you truly are and always have been!
—Babaji, One Who Is Eternal Light and Realizes That You Also Are Light
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The "I" of the Christ Consciousness

Swami Vishwananda
Jesus spoke of the “I”: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.” It is the “I” of the consciousness, the “I” of the Christ Consciousness that leads mankind. This consciousness is in each of you; it’s waiting to become active. It’s very good that you come for darshan and very good that you sit for meditation. But you should not only do it now; you have to do it always. [At darshan] By receiving the blessing, you are receiving and activating the light within you. That is what I can do for you; the rest is up to you.
I can take the food and crush it into puree and put it in your mouth, but I can’t swallow it for you. I would be happy to do it for you, but this part is up to each one of you. You say: “We keep trying but nothing happens.” I have said before: ‘If you try with an expectation it will never happen.’ You have to empty your mind completely. A thought will pass by. Let it pass; don’t feed it. You are not the thought; you are not the mind. You are more than that. You are the child of God. You are part of the Divine Creation. So make this your achievement. Make this your goal in life. . . . Only when your mind is quiet will you hear the heart talking to you.

Each of you is following a path in your present incarnation. Each of you is aligning with light or with the darkness of misunderstanding of why you have incarnated at this time and into the circumstances you have been born into. I ask those of you who are reading these Epistles [in Unity With The Divine] to align with light. What is this light of which I am speaking, do you think? I ask with inmost sincerity that you meet me in meditation and I will teach you what you need to know about light and dark. Many of you know that the time is ripe for the fruit of the vine to be plucked, the cosmic adventure to begin for you. I can help you.
Now is the time for transformation upon your planet like it never has happened before. Due in part to the light that has been brought through instant communication you all know that your world is in crisis. Band together, those of you who know the signs of the times, and walk in light of knowing. Look in your lives and begin to arrange them as if the Christ, the Buddha, the Yogi, the Zen Master and all the Masters of the worlds’ religions were breathing down your necks with the warning that your world’s future existence, Nay, the very light of life, stands in danger of being extinguished should you as a nation, a continent and a world nation not come into alignment with light. Come to me those of you who feel so moved to meet me in meditation. Come with the Christ Light within all of you blazing for reformation. Then you will know your future is assured to belong to the future generations of mankind who will walk in the new age of freedom. In that day the lion will lay down with the lamb and the Christ Child will be born with each new babe. Then the society and planetary population will exist in political freedom aligned with the One Light of the Masters of Light who have revealed to you the way to freedom.
Mahavatar Babaji (not in Unity - from another time - Babaji wishes to reiterate for you today)
Beloved Internet Friends, let us continue to bring home to the heart the truths of what it is that you are doing in this lifetime. Let us work together in heart-felt resonance to bring divinity into your awareness. Come home to the truth of you. On this blog you will continue to perceive that Swami Vishwananda and I are working together for your further advancement into cosmic consciousness. It is time for this to happen for many of you. Don't you feel it from the very depths of your being? And in meditation you will continue to grow into who you really are, always have been and always will be--a Divine Child of God. Amen and OM!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Letter from Babaji - Serving with Wisdom and Love

Anonymous said...Dear Babaji, in your 108 names it is written that you learned from Maharishi Agastya. Is that true? If it is [true], is it possible for you to reveal [to] us a bit more about this relationship?
Babaji’s Response: My dear, it is of the utmost importance on the spiritual path to be sincere in your seeking. You are aware of this, I am sure. Also let me announce to you all here that I have kept my vow to answer all questions posted on VBV. At times I do not acknowledge or have my disciple acknowledge certain questions. Why is that, do you think? Please understand that acknowledging or not acknowledging is a response. Do you see? It is the same. Why? It is because I am always available in meditation and if I am silent here, then that is a cue for you.
Do you know that some chelas or students of the Guru make themselves available constantly to sit in front of the Guru's face through questions or physical presence. Why? It is most often a vain attempt to gain attention. Sometimes the Guru will send you away from his face for a time. The Guru will continually work to lead you within where you will find what? You will find the truth of you, the I Am Presence of Forever! The Guru can lead you there, but first you must relinquish your need for the Guru to continually boost you up in "spirits." You must locate, embrace and love your own reservoir of "spiritual sustenance." Then the Guru becomes for you the touchstone for your own awakening, your own advancement into light. It is useful to these kinds of seekers to use such tactics with the Guru to avoid taking responsibility for their own spiritual advancement, isn't it? Give the Guru the chance to hold your hand and walk with you. He is not with you to "live your life for you, please understand!" Remember the Guru loves you unconditionally, no matter what!
Certain questions make no sense to an enlightened being to respond to such, for the person asking is in a place in their life where it is past time to go within. After this inner connection with the Self, then if you care to do so, connect with higher wisdom and ask your questions in meditation. So it is for this question! And I know that you know what I mean in relationship to you personally. I will meet you in meditation. Come, I am friendly and you need not fear for your knowledge or any concern about yourself. To grow up spiritually and get to the place of no questions is the goal as your Guru tells you... you know, that Guru within.
It will not help you grow to ask such questions as you asked about my relationship with "Agastya.” You see, dear one, I am attempting to establish a personal relationship with each of you who is willing. I want to help you. It will not help you for me to talk to you about such a relationship as you asked about, that is the facts as one may hope. Do you understand? Meet me in meditation and we shall talk some more on this, if you like.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gurudev Speaks of Unshakable Faith

Eknath, then just sixteen years old, from inside the castle of Janardana Swami saw that the army was coming. Of course he was aware that the army of Janardana Swami would not do anything to defend the castle without the permission or the blessing of their Guru. So Eknath took great courage and went inside the room of Janardana Swami and dressed himself in the guru clothes and the armor of Janardana Swami. Eknath came out of Janardana Swami’s room and went to fight the enemies, the army of the Muslim king of India.
In the evening Eknath came back to the castle of Janardana Swami and quietly went inside, placed back the Guru clothes and everything else in the proper place and went for evening prayers. A few days later, Janardana Swami heard the story and was really, really amazed, and so greatly pleased with Eknath that he transferred all his Shakti on him.
Saint Eknath (the title came later) had taken this great courage and responsibility on himself to act in the time of need. This kind of courage is the kind that is needed. It’s not that one hears this, and one hears that, and then moves. It's like Christ said: “Your faith has to be built on a rock so that no matter how strong the storm may be, nothing can move you.” Then you can consider yourself really lucky to surrender to the Master, the Guru.
Gurudev is referencing above, Matthew 7:24-29 Christian Bible:In the very familiar parable, Jesus tells the story of two home builders. One built a house on sand, the other on rock. The house on the rock withstood the weather. The one built on sand did not fare so well: "The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof." (Matthew 7:24-29).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Swami Vishwananda Loving With Hands, Touch, Heart, Feet

Swami Vishwananda’s Stigmata at Easter Time
Brings forth in crystal clarity from the Divine,
Blood and Pure Divine Amrita of Rose Oil
Wrapped in Stigmata of Love.
Life Blood and Rose Oil come forth, Independently,
Even as they remain forever related. . .
One to the other, and Divinely to the whole.
This is a natural phenomenon,
And Divine Blessing from One Heart to all Hearts. . . Forever, Amen.
The Maste

When the disciple is really and sincerely ready, the master can give realization just like that. -Swami Vishwananda
The Master's Heart

"Our soul is always longing for Him, always. There is not a time where the soul does not long for the Beloved, even if we are consciously aware of it, or we are not aware of the longing. But in our true self, in our consciousness, the soul-consciousness is always aware of that deep longing for the Beloved." –Swami Vishwananda
"I will always remind you that you are Divine! Even if my mouth gets tired, my heart will still say it until you reach this level: You Are Divine.” –Swami Vishwananda
"The sweetness that you have inside of you is waiting to be awakened. It doesn’t matter which path you follow, or which sadhana you are doing; it matters greatly how you are doing the sadhana and that is the most important thing about it." –Swami Vishwananda
"When the mother is holding her child, there is no condition. Such is also the love of God. Whatever you have done good or bad, when you turn to Him, who has the love of a million mothers inside of Him, He will happily forgive." -Swami Vishswananda
"Know one thing: Whatever God gives, He gives according to its time and according to whether one can handle things or not." –Swami Vishwananda
"Let pure Love guide you. When you realize the purity of Love, there will be no difference in your mind; the mind will see the Lord everywhere." -Swami Vishwananda
"If you receive love, let this love flow. Feel this love in each part of your body, then increase it and send it out. You can send it to somebody that you know, you can send it to nature, you can send it to whatever or whoever, but let this love always flow." –Swami Vishwananda
" We search always for our Sadguru, because it’s only the Sadguru, who will lead us out of this illusion. Only the Sadguru can give us the blessing that will guide us to the realization of our true Self." -Swami Vishwananda

"For somebody who is in the world, the Divine will express Its Self in the worldly way. For somebody who is on the spiritual path, God will express Its Self in a spiritual way. When somebody is completely surrendered to the Divine, the Divine also will surrender completely to that person." –Swami Vishwananda
Friday, December 11, 2009
Love Conquers Everything
Swami Vishwananda

It is my hope that my sharing will inspire people to open their hearts to the Divine.
If we strive to understand that we all, equally, are part of the Divine . . .
That we are here to achieve this greater Truth and to realise the Self
And if we make this our goal . . . and do everything with love . . .
Then everything will be lovely and we always will be happy.
-Sri Swami Vishwananda
Thursday, December 10, 2009
No Greater Thing Than This

Gurudev tells a story of a certain saint who was asked, “We hear that you use seven flowers when you pray. So that we may provide the proper ones, which seven flowers do you use?” The saint replied, “Yes, I use seven flowers to pray, but these seven flowers I want each one of you to give to me are: truthfulness, love, service to people, prayer, devotion, loyalty, and control of the senses through controlling the mind. If somebody gives these to God, he gives them to himself and God will be pleased. There is no greater thing than this.” Swami says that story reminds Him of what Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “If somebody offers to me even a small leaf with love from the heart, I shall accept it."

Maha Lakshmi recently said:
"Don’t you long for the freedom of existing forever in a form of light? This is the reward you give yourself when you have controlled the mind."
Babaji recently said:
“. . . to reach liberation one must “die mind,” that is to control the mind or symbolically to let the mind die."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Gurudev - A Christmas Request
Merry Christmas and A Happy and Blessed New Year
"No presents, please!". . . Swami Offers You an Alternative. . .Swami Vishwananda’s Wish List for 2009 Christmas Gifts and Onward
Swami has an explicit Wish List for Christmas this year, and it contains only one item. Swami requests all devotees to please take His wish seriously and not to give personal gifts to Him from now forward.
In that regard, beginning now, and ongoing into the future, Swami wishes all gifts that people desire to give Him to be in the form of contributions, monetary or otherwise, to be given to His International Spiritual Center, Center Springen, in Germany. Center Springen is a source of spiritual inspiration for people from around the world.
Contact person for contributing support to Swami Vishwananda’s mission (monetary or otherwise):
Mr. Kubera,
Swami Vishwananda and Bhakti Marga, Center Springen send you a sincere Thank You and Wish You Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Letter From Mahavatar Babaji: Five Rings To Freedom
by Mahavatar Babaj

Swami Vishwananda Teaches: Whether you believe or not, it’s there! God is sitting permanently within you. But to achieve Him, each one has his own personal way. To discover the God without form, God without name, the Eternal, is to realize that you, all of you, are part of Him. To realize God is the aim of man.
One: Sit in a quiet place with spine straight.
Two: Bring your attention, and begin to focus, within the heart.
Three: Know, feel, see or trust that you are with me in a cave in the High Himalayas.
Four: Those of you, who have experienced the Babaji Cave at Swami Vishwananda’s Springen Center, feel free to be with me there in your heart and in your inner vision. I will be with you no matter how you perceive me.
Five: I invite you to sit facing me in yogic position as we meditate. We sit on the cave floor on a folded blanket, facing each other.
Six: See me place five black rings of 5 inches in diameter on the blanket between us. The black rings represent the negativity of the five continents on Earth: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Seven: Pick up a first black ring, the one in the middle, with four black rings left on the blanket, two rings to the left and two to the right of the middle one.
Eight: Hold this ring in your right hand until the end of the meditation.
Nine: Now pick up a second ring with your left hand, the first one to your left on the blanket. Place palms together in pranam (prayer position) with one black ring in each hand.
Ten: Perceive what you will when the rings and the palms meet. Meditate with this until you feel or hear me instruct you to continue.
Eleven: Return the black ring in your left hand to its position where you picked it up from the blanket.
Twelve: Pick up the third black ring second from the left on the blanket, and bring your palms together, still retaining the black ring in your right palm. Perceive the energy and experience what you will. Return the ring to its proper position by feeling it is time or hearing me instruct you. Either is of the right vibration for you.
Thirteen: Pick up the fourth black ring from the blanket, the third ring from your left on the blanket. Retain the first black ring in your right hand, and place your palms together in pranam. Perceive what you will. Return the ring to its proper position.
Fourteen: Pick up the fifth ring, the fourth ring from your left on the blanket, and place hands in pranam and meditate until you feel it is time to replace it where you picked it up.
Fifteen: Slowly return your awareness to your body and physical surroundings.
Sixteen: Write your experience with each of the five rings as Utpalavati did and will share her experience below as an example only.
Seventeen: It will be beneficial if you choose to study and contemplate from the heart what you experienced in the Five Rings To Freedom Meditation.
Eighteen: For those who are willing to awaken to greater awareness, there will be a clear understanding of some spiritual principle for each of you if you are alert and sincerely enter into and complete this meditation with me.
Utpalavati’s Experience with Mahavatar’s Five Rings To Freedom Meditation
First Ring: In meditation, I find myself in the familiar Cave of Babaji in the Himalayas of India. Babaji places Five Black Rings, in diameter five inches, in the space between us as we sit on a folded blanket, facing each other in yogic position. He instructs me to place the middle black ring, or the first of the rings into my right hand. Babaji then tells me to place the other four rings, one by one, in my left hand when He directs me. He instructs me to simply relax and feel the energy He has placed within whichever ring is in my left hand and the middle ring which will stay in the right hand for the entire meditation. He instructs me to tell Him what I perceive as the meditation progresses.
Second Ring: Beginning at the left of the rings remaining, and with the middle one in my right palm, I place into my left hand, the second of the rings from where Babaji has placed them and with my hands in pranam position. I immediately see golden light everywhere, and I am sitting inside the golden light with Babaji. The light then changes to violet in color. As instructed, I tell Babaji what I am perceiving and He says: “This is a simple test to see if you can navigate easily from a chakra between the third eye which is represented as golden light in this meditation and into the crown chakra which may be perceived as violet light.”
Third Ring: Babaji instructs me to place the third ring after I replace the second ring into its place between us on the cave floor, retaining the first ring still in my right palm and with my hands in pranam position. I am ecstatically happy that I can sit with Babaji in a proper yogic position because in the physical, a reluctant and tightly inflexible hip flexor does not allow me to freely sit in the yogic position! I hold the third ring in the left hand while still holding the first ring in the right hand. I feel warm heat and the pulsation of my physical heart rhythmically beating in perfect union with Babaji. I see a beam of golden light mixed with violet rays radiating out of my crown chakra in a column straight upward above the crown. I see the column of light expand out into a circle of light and enclose the entire Earth within its beauty and light form, Babaji instructs me to send out healing energy from this light which now encloses the Earth inside it. I think of sending this healing light that Babaji has manifested to:
All people on all the five continents
The animals,
The plants,
The minerals,
The oceans,
All waterways and oceans,
All Government leaders,
All hungry, sick and homeless people
Ships at sea and the life on them,
The Pyramids,
Many holy places on Earth
The Holy Land where Christ lived,
Sacred India,
Places where Mother Mary has appeared
Babaji's Yantra: Reference for meaning of the Yantra:

The dark cloud of the collective negative energy from all five continents on Earth is absorbed into the golden light from Babaji’s hand and it disappears into His Golden Yantra energy that is radiating in front of His heart chakra. Babaji tells me that he has transmuted the negativity into higher Divine Vibration. He says that all minds on Earth working like this would have the power within them collectively to change the environment and world in which we live into higher vibration and paradise on Earth. And Babaji says it is not as difficult as we all presently think. Mahavatar says, “Whatever mankind thinks and acts upon truly, is manifested by individuals, one, by one, by one!”
Gurudev Swami Vishwananda drew Babaji's Yantra on Babaji's heart in the picture below

I feel a large, clear and many-faceted diamond appear between my two palms. Radiant white light shines through my hands and all around me. Babaji says: Please tell the readers that this light is symbolic of the diamond as a reminder to all that to reach liberation one must “die mind” that is to control the mind or symbolically to let the mind die. Babaji tells me also to remind His Internet Friends, and anyone in the future who will choose to do this meditation with him, of three Divine Principles that Paramahansa Yogananda and Christ Jesus taught mankind in their respective days on Earth.
“The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, and necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others.” –Paramahansa Yogananda
As God talked with Arjuna, so will He talk with you. As He lifted up the spirit and consciousness of Arjuna, so will He uplift you. As he granted Arjuna supreme spiritual vision, so will He confer enlightenment on you. –Paramahansa Yogananda
“Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” –Christ Jesus
Babaji then said that these spiritual principles that Christ Jesus and Yogananda taught, when acted upon, will help man to understand and comprehend so that he may forge ahead into the Oneness Vibration that will usher in the Golden Age of Man.I now hear the sound of OM in my right ear and the universal sound radiates throughout every cell and I feel light and at peace. As Swami Vishwananda teaches, I allow my consciousness to go deeper into the OM until I feel one with the sound or as if my consciousness is inside the OM. Deep peace pervades the Self. From within the sound of OM and as if it is the OM itself, I hear Babaji say from the wholeness of OM, “I love you.” And I feel Divine Love in every cell in my Self, my whole consciousness which is merged in the OM sound itself and is one with the OM. Of course there are no words to describe this accurately. The physical feeling when someone you love says, “I love you,” is nice. The permeating wholeness of merging into the sound of OM when Babaji said, “I love you,” from the OM itself, is indescribable.
From within the sound of OM, I look in wonder and Amazement as without feet touching the ground, the Divine Mother in the form of Maha Lakshmi mysteriously appears “floating” toward Mahavatar Babaji and me. She greets Babaji, and then motions for me to kneel in front of her. When I kneel, she touches my crown and my third eye with a light and loving touch, smiles and says: “Remember and write now what I will speak to my Earth children. Tell them that I love them beyond their ability to understand at this time in their evolution. But understanding, even in an instant, is possible with commitment and the firm belief that it may come for each. I see golden Coins spill from Mother’s hands in abundance. Mother says that the coins represent the spiritual wealth that comes with proper mind-control of merging your conscious mind with the Divine Self within and living your life from that vibration of liberation.
I see prolific crystal drops of diamonds pour from Her hands. Lakshmi says, “These diamonds represent the clarity that comes with the attunement to Divine Will with the heart of the Self. These are the treasures of heaven and we wish to help you desire them with a commitment so strong that they replace the treasures of this world in your mind, thinking and thoughts, heart, words, deeds and actions. So choose clearly my dear children, those of you who wish to meditate with us using the symbology of the Five Rings with which Mahavatar Babaji began this meditation.”
Maha Lakshmi then says: “Dear Ones of Earth domain, my children, my all, leave the dimension of longevity seeking in the bodily form to the Divine Providence. Come home within the mind and heart to eternal longevity. Don’t you long for the freedom of existing forever in a form of light? This is the reward you give yourself when you have controlled the mind as Babaji taught in the mind-control exercise in this meditation. There will be more of these exercises to come! Be prepared, those of you on this Internet Connection and anyone now or in future, who wishes to follow this series of meditations. They will help you to work for the freedom that controlling the mind brings to all who are sincere in their commitment to create a higher vibration. Rest assured that your Guru, Swami Vishwananda, also is working with you in His way to help you with this as well. Be friendly toward each other my children. Leave competition behind you and cooperate together to bring the light of peace and harmony into your world both personally and into world view and experience."
I Am Your Mother, Forever and Always, Lakshmi
Babaji Concludes: In order for the meditation we have just given to be “real” or to be of usefulness or effective, one must radiate the energy from the heart. The mind always will make you weak by logically telling you that this is a mind-game and that the energy is not real. Now decide which way you will radiate the energy out into your world. This meditation is an exercise in mind-control of your own mind. You choose. In order to trust that you may send healing energy truthfully and effectively, you must go to the heart and send the spiritual heart energy outward into your world. You all have the universal power of healing energy within your heart. You must want to give it outward as Swami Vishwananda teaches you. And so it is and so it is written.
My dear friends, each one of you is precious in the eyes of the One Most High. Remember that Jesus told the parable of the shepherd, representing Himself, looking for one lost sheep. So it is that we come in peace, harmony, love, patience, and unity to whatever number of you who wish to plow the path to freedom within yourselves. All of you, and each of you, is of equal importance as you walk within the field of our vibration of Love Divine. Come, and welcome.
–Babaji of the Light of the Kingdom of God Within You and All Life and The Immortal Representative of your own Immortal Soul
Monday, December 7, 2009
You Know Your Heart Knows

You know there is a saying, ‘Spirituality starts where religion ends.
Real spirituality is in each one of you, in each of your hearts.
And whether you believe or not, it’s there! God is sitting permanently within you.
But to achieve Him, each one has his own personal way.
To discover the God without form, God without name, the Eternal, is to realize that you, all of you, are part of Him.
To realize God is the aim of man.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Babaji's Yantra - Gurudev's Meaning of Hiranyagarbha

Babaji’s Yantra Overview: Maha Avatar Babaji’s Yantra is a graphic representation of his evolving mission to Earth. The Yantra represents the Oneness Vibration of Love Divine that Maha Avatar Babaji exemplifies and teaches his disciples how to become.
Yantra definition: A yantra is a symbolic geometric spiritualized design usually pertaining to a particular deity; ritual diagrammatic representation.
Large outward Circle: Represents Cosmic Awareness; all that is, The Divine, God. The circle depicts the unlimited nature of creation without beginning or end. The circle symbolizes the limitation that mankind perceives and lives and does indeed exist within the unlimitedness of All That Is, God. Therefore, Babaji has come to assist humanity in perceiving beyond his limitations through striving for Cosmic Consciousness or Enlightenment, the unlimited.
Square: The square is equivalent to the point beyond Earth’s density where Cosmic Awareness meets Earth’s density. The four Vedas are represented in the square as Maha Avatar is Master of the Vedas. All the Vedic knowledge and wisdom resides in Babaji, without limit.
Six Pointed Star: The star consists of two sacred geometric triangles. The downward pointing triangle represents humanity’s divine opportunity to merge with Cosmic Consciousness through the descent of The Divine Avatar to Earth’s density—Jagadguru Maha Avatar Babaji. The upward pointing triangle represents the inherent divine gift of humanity’s ability to strive to reach Cosmic Consciousness—Enlightenment, Self-realization, God.
Sphere in middle of Six-pointed Star: The circle represents The Divine Heart from which everything originates and flows outward to the Star, The Square and the Circle of Cosmic Awareness, All That Is—God.
SATSANG TALK: Satsang with Swami Vishwananda on Friday night, December 4, 2009 brought His detailed explanation of the meaning of the Hiranyagarbha Lingam. For a brief report to be followed by a detailed text please click on Link:
Darshan Saturday Night, December 5, 2009 Link:
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Lord Jagannath in Puri, India (Lord Krishna)
Swami Vishwananda: In Puri, India there is a temple for Lord Krishna in the form of Jagannath. Lord Jagannath is a rather funny aspect of Krishna. Every year there is a big festival when the deities are brought out into the street. Millions of people attend this festival, and even the ruling king at the time will go out and help clean the street. All the people help to clean the street very nicely so that the chariot of the Lord Jagannath may be brought out.
Lord Jagannath, Brother Balaram, Sister Subdra

The priest wondered for a while how to spend the 100,000 rupees on food. "Even if I use the best ghee, the best ingredients to make the Prasad for the Lord, I could not finish all that money. So all the priests gathered and started to discuss how they could finish 100,000 rupees for the prasad of the Lord. Then the high priest came to a conclusion, saying, “Okay, we can’t make any decision. Let Lord Jagannath Himself, let Krishna Himself make the decision." Then they went to the merchant and said: "Listen, we have not come to a conclusion, but we will let the Lord Himself decide which kind of prasad he would like to have. So meanwhile please stay with us, till the Lord Himself tells us which kind of Prasad He wants."
Three days passed as the priests and the rich merchant waited for Lord Jagannath to tell them what kind of Prasad he wanted. After three days the high priest had a dream. In the dream Lord Jagannath appeared to him and said, “Tell this merchant that I am very happy that he is offering me the Prasad.” Of course the Lord knows the pride that was inside the merchant, and the pride in the way the merchant was offering the prasad to Him, the Lord.
After his dream of Lord Jagannath, the priest went to the merchant and said, “Merchant, the Lord has come in my dream and talked about the prasad.” The merchant said, “Yes, tell me.” The priest said proudly that the Lord had requested little betel leaves with some paste inside." Thus the king said, “What, Lord Jagannath only wants these little filled leaves, this is nothing.” But the priest said, “Wait I am not finished. The Lord has asked that inside these betel leaves should be smeared the finest ground pearl powder.” And the merchant said, “This is nothing for me.” And the priest said, “Yes, but the Lord said also another thing. This pearl that you will use for grinding should not be just a normal ordinary pearl. It has to be a pearl which comes from the forehead of an elephant, from under the skin of the forehead of the elephant.”
So the proud and arrogant merchant started thinking: Yes, but how many elephants do I have to buy to be able to get just one pearl? And here I am offering a hundred thousand rupees, but it will cost more than that. Suddenly, the merchant realised that he could offer to Lord Jagannath what He had asked. At that moment he threw his very expensive turban at the Lord, at the feet of Jagannath, kneeled down and said to the Lord, “Please forgive me. Out of pride I tried to bribe you, but I know I can’t give you anything which is on the outside. So now I offer you my heart.” And the once rich and arrogant merchant then changed completely.
A few days later the Lord appeared to the transformed merchant in his dream and said, “I’m very pleased with your heart, that is the only thing that I want, a heart which is full of love and devotion.” It is very simple and easy to offer your heart to God. So whenever we think that we have to offer something to the Lord, first look inside of you and offer your heart to Him. Say, “Lord I offer you my heart, it is not mine anymore, it is Yours. And the way you love makes me love the same way and You make me realize this Divine Love.” Spirituality is about a relationship to God. And this love relationship with the Divine will cause you to realize your Self.