Sunday, December 21, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Mahavatar Babaji Today
Bhakti Marga Art by Gitangali
Blessed by Sri Swami Vishwananda
Mahavatar Babaji Today:
The disciple sat before me in the
high Himalayan cave of solitude. Our sacred cave held only blankets to sit upon
and kamandula pots filled with water to drink and to use in purification. A ceremonial fire burned brightly and I performed a sacred fire ceremony of
purification and blessing. In the fire, side by side, could be seen Lord
Krishna and Christ Jesus sitting in meditation. The disciple’s heart
filled with love and bhakti tears flowed in realization of these Beloved Ones.
We sat in meditation and quickly reached one-mindedness through many centuries of association. Pictures appeared in my hands and I arranged them in the sacred pattern of the disciple’s state of spiritual progress at this time of our meeting. The conch sounded and the wondrous sound of Om rang throughout the perfect acoustics of the luminous ancient cave in the Himalayas.
As my disciple received the picture
of truth, the rarefied air fairly felt electrified with the sound of creation,
Itself. This disciple had reached the state of full surrender and the picture rendered
in sacred geometry served only as a visual representation of this state.
So it is that Earth is like a
sacred school and the disciple must be accountable and report to the teacher each
step upon the path of progress of attaining liberation and God Realization.
Each of you who are upon the path of Bhakti Marga of your teacher, Sri Swami
Vishwananda, knows also the ParamGuru as we all are one. Swami Vishwananda, in this disciple's present incarnation, has brought our disciple to the Oneness vibration, to The Divine, through Love and trials and tests of the SatGuru. The teacher knows when
you are ready to stand before the Tribunal of Truth and be accountable.
Continue to prepare yourselves for every one of you will one day fully surrender
to Him, to Divine Oneness.
So it is written and so it is.
In loving accountability of our centuries of association
Mahavatar Babaji
Mahavatar Babaji Today
Monday, December 15, 2014
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Swami Carrying You
In this world of Maya, we
all are passengers on a boat and the boatman is the SatGuru."
–Swami Vishwananda
Swami Vishwananda TWEET–Swami Vishwananda
Carrying you all across the #ocean of #samsara #love sv
Love is free
Love leaves one never alone
Love brings happiness in the form
of tears from the heart
of tears from the heart
Love is ever enlightening
Love is never boring
Love is always enthusiastic
Love is the hug of a true friend
Love is the Grace, Love and
lovely smile of the SatGuru,
The ParamGuru
Love conquers all
Love is all there is
Love is Him, The Divine
Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Giridhari is the Only Only One - Swami Vishwananda
Oh Giridhari the light reflect on the ocean with million of light shimmering with your grace same is #humans having u in them it reflection
Monday, December 8, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Livestreaming Swami Vishwananda's Darshan Today and Babaji Day Tomorrow
Livestreaming of Sri Swami Vishwananda's Darshan today 16:00 hrs. Germany time..
We would like to announce two upcoming livestreaming events:
Sri Swami Vishwananda will be giving darshan at Shree Peetha Nilaya tomorrow (Saturday November 29), starting from 16:00 (Central European Time Zone (UTC+01:00)). Please join in to participate in the event, join with Swamiji and Bhakti Sounds in singing lots of bhajans, and hearing stories from people sharing their experiences with Gurudev.
This event's livestreaming will be open publicly.
This event's livestreaming will be open publicly.
Please share this link with anyone you think would be interested in learning about Swamiji, darshan, or Bhakti Marga.
Bhakti Marga Family
Bhakti Marga Family
“My Mission is to open the hearts of man”
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Friday, November 28, 2014
Mahavatar Babaji 28.11.2014
we have taught you through the centuries are given so that all of you may attain the purpose for human life through
implementation into your life. You may
become free, liberated and learn to love from your heart this Divine Love and
see and experience The Divine in everyone and in the All of creation.
Mahavatar Babaji 28.11.2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The Teacher Comes
In a village in the High Himalayas of India a Sadhu once sat in the
town center which was close to the sacred Ganga River. In those days Ganga was
pure and the knowledge that Shiva had caught the sacred river in his hair and
sent it on its way throughout India, Itself, was ever present in the minds of
the people.
This sadhu sat day after day in his seat. Many people gave alms to
him regularly. He was an enlightened soul taking the vow of poverty and service
to the Hindu trinity of Narayana, Shiva and Brahma. Shiva was his Istadev. And
to Shiva he was devoted. The people who came to him for spiritual amrita were
also devotees of Shiva. Many asked for his counsel on both spiritual and
material world matters, understanding and problem solving.
One day a man came in clothes of a beggar with his alms cup in his
hand. He sat at the feet of the sadhu and asked him many questions pertaining
to the Vedas, the scriptures of India, and about his work with the people of
this village. The sadhu beheld the light radiating out of the beggar and the
glorious light which illuminated the whole village and the sacred Ganges near
where the sadhu sat upon his seat, his clean blanket folded neatly beneath him.
The love that the beggar radiated in his light was almost more than the sadhu
could hold. His body vibrated visibly and his face shone with the light that
the beggar radiated even as the sadhu sat within the light. All the people of the
village saw and felt this light and love and they closed their shops and homes
and came and gathered around the beggar and the sadhu.
The beggar began to address the crowd of people. He said. “This is
a village that carries within all the people the knowledge of the Vedas due to
the quiet, peaceful and humble teacher who is this sadhu who sits here so
quietly now. He knows within himself that I have come to you all as Shiva, the
one whom you venerate in your places and temples." Some people saw a beggar with
great light and some people saw Lord Shiva in all his radiance, with his skin
bathed in ashes from the cremation ground where he sat in meditation and with a
living cobra around his neck and the moon caught in his long, dark curly hair.
Shiva told the people: “Here today, I sit with this humble sadhu
and send my love to all of you and you come because your devotion and
humbleness has drawn you to the light. Today I give you all a boon. What you
wish for in the secret chamber of your sacred heart, will be granted to you. Be
aware, that the Lord does not always give you your wishes in the form that you
visualize. Be aware that the Lord knows how to grant wishes in a way that will
bring you closer to him and even into liberation. Know that devotion and humbleness
on the spiritual path are virtues that the Lord blesses. May the blessings and
love of the trinity of the Gods of India; Narayana, Shiva and Brahma be with
you always.”
A bolt of lightning from the sky above, accompanied by a great and
loud thunder sound drew the people’s eyes to the sky and some saw Narayana,
Shiva and Brahma riding golden chariots zooming into the sky and to their abodes
above. And some saw only the great light of the Gods in a brilliance that
warmed their hearts and they felt love like never before.
O, people in present time, find this Divine Love and humbleness of this sadhu and the people of his village in the Himalayas of India and become liberated from the cycle of birth and death. It is your destiny. Be patient and be ever vigilant to the Call of the Gods. They love you all for the All are One, in essence.
Love and Blessings
Mahavatar Babaji
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Venerating Mahavatar Babaji - DAY 2 - at SPN with Swami Vishwananda - Poem by Mahavatar
Written to you by Mahavatar for his Commemoration Day
November 30, 2013 and given for you 2014, also
The Himalayas stand as sentinels of the Heaven Worlds.
These snow-capped mountains, golden in the bright morning
Sunlight, hold the mysteries of God’s Plan for Earth and mankind.
I stand for mankind’s evolution into light, into Oneness, like
The strength of these high mountains that remain the same
Century after century in the heart and hand of The Divine.
Written to you by Mahavatar for his Commemoration Day
November 30, 2013 and given for you 2014, also
The Himalayas stand as sentinels of the Heaven Worlds.
These snow-capped mountains, golden in the bright morning
Sunlight, hold the mysteries of God’s Plan for Earth and mankind.
I stand for mankind’s evolution into light, into Oneness, like
The strength of these high mountains that remain the same
Century after century in the heart and hand of The Divine.
I am here for you, and you are never
alone, for you are
Forever in my heart.
I hold you there like the ocean surrounds
You when you dive into its misty white waves.
Oh, my children, if you would but dive into Oneness
Like you dive into the ocean, we would be together forever.
Now you keep yourselves separate through thinking
You are your body and that you end where your skin ends.
Isn’t it so, when you think about it?
Forever in my heart.
I hold you there like the ocean surrounds
You when you dive into its misty white waves.
Oh, my children, if you would but dive into Oneness
Like you dive into the ocean, we would be together forever.
Now you keep yourselves separate through thinking
You are your body and that you end where your skin ends.
Isn’t it so, when you think about it?
In the West, pancakes for breakfast are a
delicacy for many.
You ingest this food never thinking it is you and you are it.
In truth there is no separation of you from anything in this
World and the whole of creation.
In words of your understanding, I mourn for your despair
Which permeates this world in today’s time.
You ingest this food never thinking it is you and you are it.
In truth there is no separation of you from anything in this
World and the whole of creation.
In words of your understanding, I mourn for your despair
Which permeates this world in today’s time.
I come closer to you within yourself than
in any other
Century that has come before.
This is possible due to the times in which you have incarnated.
You choose the misery of separation (you end with your skin).
Simply continuously chanting the Name of The Divine
Will set you free from the boundary of your skin (separation)
Into freedom (Oneness).
Century that has come before.
This is possible due to the times in which you have incarnated.
You choose the misery of separation (you end with your skin).
Simply continuously chanting the Name of The Divine
Will set you free from the boundary of your skin (separation)
Into freedom (Oneness).
The Divine has given you a simple formula
Finding this Oneness and freedom of the boundary
Of you thinking you end at the skin which you
Think of yourself as living within.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You are a part of the whole of creation.
This is the Oneness of the connectedness
Of the All, which is The Divine, in Its Essence.
Finding this Oneness and freedom of the boundary
Of you thinking you end at the skin which you
Think of yourself as living within.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
You are a part of the whole of creation.
This is the Oneness of the connectedness
Of the All, which is The Divine, in Its Essence.
I offer you the chance to know me.
Who am I?
I am you and you are me; we are One.
Come to me, Oh my beloveds;
I have waited for you for centuries.
Who am I?
I am you and you are me; we are One.
Come to me, Oh my beloveds;
I have waited for you for centuries.
It is time even as you are in illusion
That time exists as reality.
Much Love and Blessings,
That time exists as reality.
Much Love and Blessings,
-Mahavatar Babaji
Monday, November 24, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Infinity - Gurudev and Mahavatar
Mahavatar Babaji Today November 19.2014
Swami Vishwananda
When the SatGuru locates and
meets the Disciple or devotee, the Guru | Disciple relationship begins, even
as it has been and always will be. The energy between them can be likened to
the infinity sign flowing ceaselessly and lovingly back and forth from heart to
heart. Then the saying, "like father, like son," is applicable. This means
that the character or behavior of the son can become like the father.
Mahavatar Babaji
Sri Swami Vishwananda taught in his recent Bhagavad Gita Course:
"Here Bhagavan [Krishna, God] is saying that
when you are undertaken by an irresistible happiness, sometimes you have such a
deep happiness, you don't even know where this happiness comes from. You feel
sublime joy inside of you, you start laughing and crying at the same time, you
feel excited all of a sudden. This is when there is a flooding of light, a
light of understanding when you know you have found your way, your path in
life, you have found your Guru, you are not just somebody who is walking on the
street. You have a sense of belonging somewhere and then due to that sense of
belonging somewhere, you feel great joy that you are not alone in that
Swami Vishwananda
Infinity - Gurudev and Mahavatar
Monday, November 17, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
The SatGuru Becomes Your Everything
He, God, reveals Himself to
everybody. How one sees things depends on the level at which one is vibrating.
The first revelation when he reveals Himself
here inside your heart is this Burning Love. I didn’t say a feeling of Love; I said a Burning Love.
When this Love awakens, it changes everything around you.
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Friday, November 14, 2014
Swami Vishwananda's Standing Darshan Grace and Blessing
Swami Vishwananda

As the numbers in the vast hall in Prague increased and the Darshan proceeded in the usual fashion, with Swami Vishwananda seated at the front of the hall, suddenly Guruji got up and said "Come I'll do the Darshan different.
Guru Dev communicated that he had prayed to Krishna for a different way to do Darshan so there was less pressure on his back, "then the idea just flashed before me," Guruji said.

As the numbers in the vast hall in Prague increased and the Darshan proceeded in the usual fashion, with Swami Vishwananda seated at the front of the hall, suddenly Guruji got up and said "Come I'll do the Darshan different.

The two lines were requested to part and turn to face each other. Then Guruji started giving Darshan
standing up, walking from person to person in the line. With him went an
entourage carrying everything Guruji needed including Chandan, Vibhuti, Sweets
and towel.

Not only was Guruji able to give the Darshan blessing more quickly and comfortably but it seemed different. Guruji commented on how nice the Darshan felt.
Devotees commented on how much they enjoyed then new Darshan style especially as Swamiji was in different parts of the hall and was closer to people.
At the following event in Bratislava Guru Dev gave the Standing Darshan again and said that he might do it regularly, especially when there are very large numbers of people.

Not only was Guruji able to give the Darshan blessing more quickly and comfortably but it seemed different. Guruji commented on how nice the Darshan felt.

Devotees commented on how much they enjoyed then new Darshan style especially as Swamiji was in different parts of the hall and was closer to people.

At the following event in Bratislava Guru Dev gave the Standing Darshan again and said that he might do it regularly, especially when there are very large numbers of people.
Guru Dev communicated that he had prayed to Krishna for a different way to do Darshan so there was less pressure on his back, "then the idea just flashed before me," Guruji said.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Impromptu SatsangTea in Czech
Satsang Tea in Czech, August 2014 with
Swamini VishwaLakshmianandama
Swamini VishwaLakshmianandama
An impromptu Satsang
Tea was organized in Czech Republic (in a city a short distance from Prague) in
August 2014.
Swamini VishwaLakshmianandama spoke of the prophecies recorded in the Srimad Bhagavatam written in Chapter or Canto Twelve. Swamini read the Srimad Bhagavatam during her visit in Czech. This book, as it has come down to present day, was written in the time of the incarnation of Narayana as Krishna, some 5,000 years ago. The prophecies are manifested and evident in our world today.
There was
a small group, with approximately 33 people present, during one cool evening in
August. It had been raining for many days at that time. Most present
were devotees of our Beloved Swami Vishwananda. The devotees enthusiastically
entered into the discussion as they shared how they viewed the Srimad
Bhagavatam’s prophecies and how they have manifested presently in our
present day society, the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam’s twelfth
canto, or chapter, prophesies: “Religious principles will be determined by a
show of strength and, thereby, measured by a person’s reputation for material
prophecy also is present in today's world: "Those without money
will be unable to get justice, and anyone who can cleverly maiipulate words
will be considered a scholar.
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