Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Mahavatar Babaji Today
Babaji Today
Premavatar Swami Vishwananda’s Atma Kriya Yoga is responsible for His teachers who have the same responsibility I gave to Lahiri Mahasaya in the Himalayan Ranikhet Mountain. This story is told in the 14th Chapter of Paramahansa’s Autobiography Of A Yogi. I have quoted the passage below that addresses this identical responsibility that the teachers of Atma Kriya Yoga have today in this twenty first century.
Premavatar Swami Vishwananda’s Atma Kriya Yoga is responsible for His teachers who have the same responsibility I gave to Lahiri Mahasaya in the Himalayan Ranikhet Mountain. This story is told in the 14th Chapter of Paramahansa’s Autobiography Of A Yogi. I have quoted the passage below that addresses this identical responsibility that the teachers of Atma Kriya Yoga have today in this twenty first century.
Dear Atma Kriya teachers, take heart from this and assume your responsibility wherein your vows to your Guru were given. Recommit yourselves to this vow and remember this vow was also taken by Lahiri Mahasaya to me at his initiation. It is now again written, so let it be like this in future.
The one writing this transmission and I, accomplish all of our communication through this statement I made to Lahiri Mahasaya at his initiation. "When one realizes his unity with mankind, all minds become transmitting stations through which he can work at will."
we have reproduced the vow of Lahiri that
will take you far as an Atma Kriya teacher, should you adhere to its
stretched out his hand, a homa, sacrificial fire, appeared surrounded by fruits
and flowers. I received the liberating yogic technique of Kriya Yoga before His flaming altar...[Mahavatar
said to Lahiri] You have been chosen to bring spiritual solace through KriyaYoga
to numerous earnest seekers and millions who have been encumbered by family
ties and heavy worldly duties will take new heart from you. A householder, like
themselves, you should guide them to understand that the highest attainments
are not barred to the family man. Even in the world, the Yogi who faithfully discharges
his responsibilities without personal motive or attachment treads the sure path
of enlightenment.
Love and Blessings,Mahavatar Babaji
Love and Blessings,Mahavatar Babaji
through His Grace and that of Premavatar Swami Vishwananda . . .
Swamini Vishwalakshmianandaa
Swamini Vishwalakshmianandaa
Love is the Master Key to Everything
Mahavatar Babaji Today
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Navaratri 2013 with Premavatar Swami Vishwananda
Navaratri 2013 5th - 14th October
From Bhakti Marga Shree Peetha Nilaya
From Bhakti Marga Shree Peetha Nilaya
Jai Gurudev dear friends, dear family
The great yearly Navaratri festival for Divine Mother lies just ahead once again!
The great yearly Navaratri festival for Divine Mother lies just ahead once again!
To honour who the Divine Mother is, is to regard her as the Universal Mother, the one who transcends all religions and traditions. All creation that we see, the Earth and the Universe itself is nothing but Her. She is the one who gives birth to everything, she is the one who nurtures everything, and she is the one that loves us all beyond measure, freeing us each step of the way towards once again becoming our true Self.
On each of the nine nights of Navaratri, that Universal Mother is worshipped in different forms, culminating on the ninth night, in which She bestows on us Her biggest blessings and grace. It signals the end of what is an amazing festival, and if you’ve never experienced it before first hand, you should not miss this opportunity! And while it’s a festival for everyone, it is especially precious for the women, as it celebrates the feminine principle of God more than any other event in the calendar year.
Click HERE to watch a beautiful DVD trailer from last year's festivities with Swamiji!
We hope, you can join us, and in addition we would like to point out a few organisational and practical poi to nts to you, prior to your arrival.
• This years Navaratri will be celebrated in the tent. As the weather can be quite cold, it is advisable to wear some warm clothing under your sari or kurtha. And it’s also recommended to bring a blanket to keep yourself warm – but please make sure that you take it home with you after leaving the evening festivities We always get a nice collection of blankets left behind every year!
• The prayer will start each evening after 18:00 hrs in the tent and go on until around midnight, give or take an hour.
• Swami asks that when big festivals like Navaratri are celebrated, that the guests
coming for the event are properly dressed. Men should try to wear a kurtha and
women should come in a sari or leg length dress. If you do not have a sari, we do
have some for purchase in the Bhakti Shop in the ashram.
• Some time this week we will inform you (via our official blog and Facebook)
• Some time this week we will inform you (via our official blog and Facebook)
which colour saris the Divine Mother will be dressed in each night. It is traditional that
She changes colours each day. If you do not have the same coloured sari
as the Divine Mother is wearing you are welcome to come in any other colour that you have.
• Like last year, we will perform the Gharba (Stick Dance) at the end of each evening so
• Like last year, we will perform the Gharba (Stick Dance) at the end of each evening so
if you still have your sticks from last year's festivities then bring them!
• Food will be served each evening after the Navaratri nights, therefore for those
• Food will be served each evening after the Navaratri nights, therefore for those
that would like to take a warm soup you are most welcome – but please inform us
in advance by filling out the registration form on the Bhakti Marga website
calendar. The link is below:
• Normally, the first night and the last two nights (5th, 13th and 14th of October) take longer than the other nights and the event can finish possibly very early in the following morning as we perform special opening an closing ceremonies as well as the beautiful Kanya puja to the 9 little girls personifying Divine
• Last but not least we have an important message below from the flower team at Shree Peetha Nilaya!
Navaratri is approaching and here at Shree Peetha Nilaya, the abode of the Divine Mother Herself, we are already preparing to celebrate and worship Her
During a Navaratri Guruji said,
“There is no time when the Mother is not close to Her children. So be like a child. Sit in Her lap, and let Her do everything for you. She will always carry you. […] That's the Love of the Mother , which is dearer to everybody than any other Love. […] She doesn't expect anything . She gives, gives, gives.”
And we, Her children, what can we give to Her? As Guruji often says, the Divine doesn't want anything from us, except our Love. Everything is Hers, so what can we give Her that doesn't already belong to Her? But as children, we love to give to our beloved Mother something beautiful; and what is more beautiful that Her creation itself, in the form of flowers? We all know very well that mothers love flowers...
• Last but not least we have an important message below from the flower team at Shree Peetha Nilaya!
Navaratri is approaching and here at Shree Peetha Nilaya, the abode of the Divine Mother Herself, we are already preparing to celebrate and worship Her
During a Navaratri Guruji said,
“There is no time when the Mother is not close to Her children. So be like a child. Sit in Her lap, and let Her do everything for you. She will always carry you. […] That's the Love of the Mother , which is dearer to everybody than any other Love. […] She doesn't expect anything . She gives, gives, gives.”
And we, Her children, what can we give to Her? As Guruji often says, the Divine doesn't want anything from us, except our Love. Everything is Hers, so what can we give Her that doesn't already belong to Her? But as children, we love to give to our beloved Mother something beautiful; and what is more beautiful that Her creation itself, in the form of flowers? We all know very well that mothers love flowers...
Those who were already with Guruji and the Bhakti Marga family during past Navaratri events know how important it is in the Hindu tradition to offer flowers to the Divine Mother, to adorn Her with garlands, to worship Her with petals. Navaratri is the high tide of offering flowers to our Mother: we will make an average of 15 garlands every day in different size, plus we will use a large quantity of petals and flowers to offer during the ceremonies and the yagnas.
If you like to contribute to this by bringing flowers, you are most welcome. You can bring whatever kind of flowers that you like: just bring it with Love for the Divine Mother and it will be the perfect flower. For any questions you can contact the flowers team:
That’s it for now, see you hopefully soon.
Much Love from all of us here at Shree Peetha Nilaya
Jai Maa!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Remix CD - Premavatar Swami Vishwananda
Remix CD ...
... with electronic effects sung by Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda.
A modern remix on an ancient and poetic hymn
dedicated to Lord Krishna with a more upbeat dance style. The Madhurashtakam
Remix combines the original Sanskrit words with an English translation that
creates a beautiful fusion of musical styles and traditions. Bringing powerful
and transcendental mantras to electronic dance sounds gives the listener a
unique experience unlike anything else you will have heard before and the sweet
voice of Sri Swami Vishwananda transmits pure devotion and Love straight to our
hearts and uplifts us in all ways.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Message From Lord Shiva
Lord Shiva, known as
the King of Yogis, appears in the cave of Mahavatar Babaji today, 26 September
2013, where I meet Babaji each day in early morning meditation. He has his hair
in the yogi style with a topknot. He shakes his head and his hair loosens and
the topknot falls beautifully into the rest of his long glistening black curls.
He says. 'For you, I wear my hair like this." Shiva’s hair was
fascinatingly beautiful and I could not take my eyes from his hair for a long
time. It seemed electrified and alive as if every hair held the power of a
nuclear bomb. Yet his hair's underlying essence seemed to be a force of
Godliness instead of a force of destruction. My impression was
that Shiva could use this power within his hair for destruction conjoined
with regeneration. His body appeared in perfect yoga condition with muscles
“toned and cut” and his body appeared to be in perfect proportion. The cobras
around his neck suddenly disappeared. Shiva, I thought, is a most
beautiful and powerful God! I wondered how it was that Shiva sat on Mahavatar's
blanket today. I bowed before him and he placed his hand on my head in
Finally I looked into
Lord Shiva's eyes and he smiled, sitting perfectly straight in padmasana like
Mahavatar does in our morning meditations. He raised and reached his right hand
forward and stroked my cheek as if I were a child he loved and for whom He had
great affection. I know Shiva, and the happiness I felt at sitting in padmasana
with him in Mahavatar Babaji's cave brought great joy and overwhelming love as
bhakti tears ran down my face.
-Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama
Shiva speaks: “Never before in the face of man has the entire population
born in the eyes such devastation to the feelings within the heart and
emotions. Man is suffering in body and spirit in a unified field of quiet
despair for most and for some it comes to the forefront in the mass media such
as multiple shooting of innocent people in war and everyday life. The wars on
the planet at this time are an abomination and are the work of a handful of men
in power. Countries and the people within them are not to blame but the
few who hold the reins of power within each country. Remember, beloved mankind,
“This, too, shall pass.”
A hand full of seeds
will feed several birds. A hand full of righteous people can save a nation. The
righteous ones of man are helping to hold the world in its orbit and the
continuance of man’s ability to live in this world’s present environment.
Oh, brothers of righteousness, Mahavatar Babaji and Premavatar Swami Vishwananda’s Atma Kriya Yoga is like a train with lights ablaze lighting a dark tunnel. To the teachers of Atma Kriya Yoga I say: ‘Continue to do your best in spreading this vast knowledge to the despairing population of Earth, racked with disease, environmental hazards, fear and the hopelessness that is creeping like a vine into the inner man.'
You who know God, spread this Dvine Love Premavatar Swami Vishwananda speaks about to all of humanity. Be the forerunners like John the Baptist was for the Christ, of the regeneration that is coming after the despair and destruction happening on the planet today has run its prophesied course.
Many of mankind call me, Lord Shiva, King of Yogis. Let it be known that all the Gods are one and we have our qualities and our true nature comes into the service for mankind that we do and manifests in our assistance to man. Come forward with the service of your nature such as Atma Kriya Yoga. Do not despair. Spread this Yoga everywhere and to all who will tune into its power for good.
Take my hand as I offer my power linked to the great power of Mahavatar Babaji and Premavatar Swami Vishwananda to you, the teachers of Atma Kriya Yoga and to the people who practice this “King of Yoga.”
My pranams to all of mankind.
As You Know me, I Am . . .
The King of Yogis and your servant
Lord Shiva
Message From Lord Shiva
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Beloveds, when negativity enters your sphere of consciousness, if
there is nothing you can do to turn it into positiveness, detach.
It was said by a great and wise saint of India, "If you cannot praise someone, let them out of your life." Do it gracefully without causing contention in others.
Mahavatar Babaji
Monday, September 23, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Random Thoughts
Random thoughts wander through the
mind like a run-away horse breaking through a confining fence. Control the
thoughts and let them pass like clouds moving quickly through the blue and
white, lovely sky. This creates a peaceful mind and life, like the face of a
still, calm, diamond-like mountain lake. Keep the mind centered always on The
Divine. -Mahavatar Babaji
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I Think of You Dear SatGuru
The SatGuru will never show this
feeling [that he is your SatGuru]
but you will feel it. He knows it, but he wants you to know it.
-Premavatar Swami Vishwananda.
setting sun drops below the horizon.
Lovely rosebuds close in random silence.
And I think of you, Dear SatGuru.
Morning comes as the sun peeps
Over the horizon.
I meditate.
I do my Kriya.
I write my Swami Vishwananda blog.
I prepare for this day.
And I think of You, SatGurudeva.
Lovely rosebuds close in random silence.
And I think of you, Dear SatGuru.
Morning comes as the sun peeps
Over the horizon.
I meditate.
I do my Kriya.
I write my Swami Vishwananda blog.
I prepare for this day.
And I think of You, SatGurudeva.
I think
of You as I say my mantra all day.
I think of You when Mahavatar Babaji
Is transmitting His message:
"Mahavatar Babaji Today."
I think of You all the time.
I think of You when Mahavatar Babaji
Is transmitting His message:
"Mahavatar Babaji Today."
I think of You all the time.
You ...
are ... my All Time.
You are my Beloved.
I think of You.
You are my Beloved.
I think of You.
I think
of You.
I think
of You.
I love
You, immeasurably, without condition.
I think of You.
I think of You.
Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
In Remembrance of Dharmananda - Mankind Servant or Creator
Mankind - Servant or Creator

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Reaching Out - Swamiji and Mahavatar Today
To focus on the
outside brings expectation, and expectation brings misery and pain. Expectation
brings pain, because the real expectation, the real things that our soul wants,
is the true Love of God. And this true Love of God we only can find through
devotion within our heart.
Mahavatar Babaji Today: Do you ever wish the Divine would reach out to you in your greatest need without you physically having to pray, meditate or ask Him to help you? When The Divine is incarnated into a Great One like Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda, we sometimes expect Him to reach out physically without us saying a word to him in the physical. Mostly, he does not do this, isn't it? That is the experience most of you have when you think of Him physically writing you an email, texting or calling you when you are experiencing physical pain and trouble, isn't it. This is the way it is for most of you.
Does this mean that He is not aware of your pain and physical trouble or that He does not love and care for you? The opposite is true, we assure you. He loves and cares for all of you continuously without "taking a break" as people tend to do at work in these days. As your SatGuru says above: "Expectation brings pain...and this true Love of God, we only can find through devotion within our heart."
Mahavatar Babaji
Champion of the Whole Humanity
Sri Swami Vishwanada
Mahavatar Babaji Today: Do you ever wish the Divine would reach out to you in your greatest need without you physically having to pray, meditate or ask Him to help you? When The Divine is incarnated into a Great One like Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda, we sometimes expect Him to reach out physically without us saying a word to him in the physical. Mostly, he does not do this, isn't it? That is the experience most of you have when you think of Him physically writing you an email, texting or calling you when you are experiencing physical pain and trouble, isn't it. This is the way it is for most of you.
Does this mean that He is not aware of your pain and physical trouble or that He does not love and care for you? The opposite is true, we assure you. He loves and cares for all of you continuously without "taking a break" as people tend to do at work in these days. As your SatGuru says above: "Expectation brings pain...and this true Love of God, we only can find through devotion within our heart."
Mahavatar Babaji
Champion of the Whole Humanity
P.S. This P.S. is for some of you I have viewed as you have read this
entry and for those of you who will read it: This is not a criticism of the way
things are between you and your Gurudev. This is a "helpful hint" at what you can
do to increase your devotion of The Divine, whom the Guru represents and IS
simultaneously. You do not need to do anything but that which your heart
sincerely guides you to do, with Love.
sung by
Premavatar Swami Vishwananda
sung by
Premavatar Swami Vishwananda
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Violence - Swami and Mahavatar

Mahavatar Babaji
Throughout the evolution of humanity, violence has
arisen from the depth of experience of the ego-personalities of all the
incarnations of each soul. A baby is conditioned from birth, at present, to
violence from its parents, its environment and the vast media that has sprung
up in the twentieth century. Now you are in the twenty first century and you
are inundated with violence coming at you from the Internet, Television,
printed media,and the Collective Consciousness of mankind.
What can one do about this situation on Earth which causes much
pain and suffering among all humankind? Each individual soul must detach from
violence within and without himself. Even violent thoughts do reach out into the
Collective Consciousness and to the person or situation one is thinking the
violence about. Each individual must take the initiative and the commitment to
create non-violence within and without himself. Even one person doing this can
assist in changing the world.
See what Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda says about violence in a recent video below.
Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda Speaks about Violence
Violence - Swami and Mahavatar
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
The Meaning of the Parable "Turn the Other Cheek"
Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
Your duty is to love, no matter if the other person loves you or not. But if you give love, it does not matter if they slap you or gossip about you. You just love them, don´t be disturbed about what others give to you, but be concerned what you give to others. That is what this parable means (Bible).
Your duty is to love, no matter if the other person loves you or not. But if you give love, it does not matter if they slap you or gossip about you. You just love them, don´t be disturbed about what others give to you, but be concerned what you give to others. That is what this parable means (Bible).
Friday, September 6, 2013
Mahavatar Babaji Today - Can Swamis Fall?
Enjoyment of life only can be achieved fully
when body, mind and soul are surrendered to The Divine.
Mahavatar Babaj
Man is an incarnation of the Supreme Cosmic Eternal Bliss. If we think of ourselves as being this bliss and focus on it, we
will become the bliss, but by our own effort.
Sri Swami Vishwananda
Mahavatar Babaji
Swamis, from ancient times, sometimes fall by the
wayside of maya. Devotees of various Swamis on Earth at this time know
about this. Doubts do arise for people frequently on the spiritual way. This happens until one
becomes surrendered to the Master, the Avatar or the Guru. This may seem to
some to be a sad thing. Actually, it is in Divine Order. For one to become
purified and then have the commitment to surrender to the Avatar completely,
these doubts must be purified through the fire of painful experiences at times.
Front row in this line of “doubters” may be ones who hide any doubts from the public and choose to keep it “close to the chest:" - meaning to themselves. These ones may be the ones who spend the most private time with the Avatar. When one is physically close and spends long hours each day with the Avatar, s/he is blessed, indeed. Still, they are closest to the fire. If one does not get close enough, he may miss the Avatar’s lessons and opportunity for his spiritual progress. If one gets too close, he may be burned to the point of withdrawal from the Avatar should life become too painful to stay near the Avatar. These are the ones who leave. For those not physically close to the Avatar, this may seem like an impossibility.
When a close disciple leaves the Avatar, is the Avatar hurt? No, not in the True Self ! He knows the disciple exists for eternity and there will be as many chances as he needs to attain Him, The Divine. So do not feel jealousy when ones are close physically to the Avatar and do not feel sad for the Avatar when one leaves Him. Accept what Is, for all is within Divine Order with the Avatar. He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. Of course, as we know, occasionally even a Master can fall by getting caught in His Own Game of Maya. Therefore, it is best to trust completely but with sensitivity. The Divine always will show you the truth of the Avatar if you trust and surrender completely. And thereby, you will know what is mind and what is heart. for you. if you surrender the ego-personality.
Winsome is as winsome does,
Love and blessings
Mahavatar Babaji
Mahavatar Babaji
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Divine Mother - Premavatar Swami Vishwananda and Maha Lakshmi
Maha Lakshmi, Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
DIVINE MOTHER: Sri Swami Vishwananda - SATSANG August 3rd, 2013
If you want to make contact with Divine Mother,
you have to know that the mother is always close to Her children. Bearing in
mind that the mother is close, if you have faith, you call upon Her, she will
be with you. If you want to please Her with ritual, there are many. But they
are complicated. You need to learn properly. But if you can love Divine Mother
like a child loves the mother it’s the most simple way. And she will be with
you. You see, if you want to find God, you will only find Him in the most simple
things. When you pray, when you sing, the Divine is next to you. It´s not in
vain. When you pray to the Divine Mother She will come and when She wants you
to have a vision of Her you will have a vision. But you have to prepare
yourself. You have to prepare your mind. You have to control it. You need to
have a clear aim, this gives it a certain direction. So if you concentrate you
become more and more strong.
Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda:
When you say, “Yes I want to move forward. I want to develop
my spirit”. You will realize a great change within yourself and you will bring
this great change in to the world.-
Maha Lakshmi:
Visions of The Divine Mother come to those who choose to resonate with her vibration. So it is that mankind reaches out into the cosmos from within the spiritual heart to embrace greater parts of the Self. All are one. Do not let the skin be the end of you as you think you live inside your skin and all the rest of creation is separate from this small part of you. Everything in existence is inside you, even so, The Great God Himself.
Maha Lakshmi:
Visions of The Divine Mother come to those who choose to resonate with her vibration. So it is that mankind reaches out into the cosmos from within the spiritual heart to embrace greater parts of the Self. All are one. Do not let the skin be the end of you as you think you live inside your skin and all the rest of creation is separate from this small part of you. Everything in existence is inside you, even so, The Great God Himself.
Let it be a suggestion to you that now is the time
when the world needs to be reminded of this great truth. Let your life be an
example of discarded reticence to stand for truth – God lives inside of you and
permeates the entirety of all creation. Thus, you are a part of this vast
creative power of The Divine. Embrace the whole and you become the whole.
Divine Mother Mary has appeared on Earth many times in apparitions in recent years in your world.Your media records this. Now I, Maha Lakshmi, as you know of me, appeal to you to ready yourself for the great changes occurring on this planet. Meditate and pray for all mankind. Reach out into the world population with love in your hearts, a song on your lips and Divine Truth in your words. It is time.
My Beloved Children,
Love and Blessings
Maha Lakshmi
Maha Lakshmi
Transmitted in the way Mahavatar Babaji transmits messages, heart to heart and mind to mind – transmitted to -
Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Mahavatar Babaji Today - Story of Life
Dear Friends,
Criticism is like a lethal weapon in the hands of a
soldier in war. It erodes peace within one’s life and grinds down good health.
It has been so with mankind for centuries. Spiritual Teachers come and go on
this planet. They teach the way to Him and Peace within. Still, the human
condition instills from babyhood onward the daily criticism of others and those
they profess to love. It seems even in early childhood that this is the way
life is supposed to be.
The Divine leads all of mankind to ways to rid one’s
self from this painful way of living. Each person is given opportunities
through their life experience to find this Divinity and peace within the
spiritual heart. A fortunate few are sent their SatGuru. They feel magnetized
to Him and find an irresistible love, from deep within, well up from the heart
space. Then criticism of the teacher begins to rise up and flow off the tongue
like a waterfall that reaches a cliff and must fall downward to the ground
below. This is the Guru showing you a mirror of what is inside you. He is pure,
but you many times refuse to perceive his Divinity, to see Him, but see only
your reflection which he mirrors back to you only for our own possibility of
spiritual progress.
From babyhood this is the current human condition to
find fault with others and spill it out into words. This erodes any space for
peace to be in the life experience. There is a beautiful story in the life of
Christ Jesus:
One day Jesus was walking along the banks of the
Jordan River with his twelve disciples. The group came upon a dog that was
lying dead beside the river. The body of the dog was fast decomposing in the
intense heat of the day. The Disciples of Christ began to criticize the odor
and the sad condition of the dog’s body. Christ lovingly said: “Look at what
beautifully formed white teeth he had.”
Life can be like Christ taught his disciples in that
one may choose, in any circumstance in life, to perceive and speak of the positive
or the negativity in any given situation. Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
teaches this same Divine Principle. To find happiness and peace in life one
must choose to be positive !
A baby has the God-given right to belie the common
Collective Consciousness and become God-Man, a God-Realized person. You have
your SatGuru with you. Leave the petty
conditions of Collective Consciousness and follow in the footsteps of the
SatGuru and Love Him without reservation, without criticism and with only
Divine Love. Surrender everything to Him. It is the way to God ! He is with you
for this very beautiful and Holy purpose. Be thankful and obey Him. He knows
the way, for He has trod the way you are going many times before and he knows
the way. There is no room for criticism of Him if you are committed to finding
His way. Please see this !
Love and blessings | Mahavatar Babaji
Love and blessings | Mahavatar Babaji
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Act Before It's Too Late - Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
Published on Sep 3, 2013
After performing midnight Abishekam to
Bala Krishna, Sri Swami Vishwananda told a story of real Love and our need to
recognise it and act upon it before life's opportunities pass us by!
Bhakti Marga (meaning path of devotion to God) stands for a family of individuals from all over the world who dedicate their life foremost to God. The main centre is located in Springen, Germany.
Sri Swami Vishwananda is a spiritual master from the island of Mauritius and founder of Bhakti Marga.
For more information visit
Bhakti Marga (meaning path of devotion to God) stands for a family of individuals from all over the world who dedicate their life foremost to God. The main centre is located in Springen, Germany.
Sri Swami Vishwananda is a spiritual master from the island of Mauritius and founder of Bhakti Marga.
For more information visit
Monday, September 2, 2013
Feeling Him
Like two beautiful rainbows in the sky,
Like symmetry of peas in a pod
Like lively monkeys on a limb,
Like sweet sugar cane stalks in a row,
Humans can learn to express Divine Love,
In unison, through alignment
With the Divine Love of the Prema Avatar,
Who may use the INTERnet
To reach your INNERnet.
Like two beautiful rainbows in the sky,
Like symmetry of peas in a pod
Like lively monkeys on a limb,
Like sweet sugar cane stalks in a row,
Humans can learn to express Divine Love,
In unison, through alignment
With the Divine Love of the Prema Avatar,
Who may use the INTERnet
To reach your INNERnet.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Orange Prasad Offered in London to Lord Narayana-Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
Orange Prasad Offered to
Lord Narayana
Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
In London, England
Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda
In London, England
An Etheric experience with Lord Narayana
and Maha Lakshmi was shared two days ago on Virtual-Babaji-Vishwananda. In a
metal bowl representing the Kali Yuga Age, the age of iron, most people on
Earth are within now, Narayana had an orange fruit-like substance that he ate
and then offered to the one having the Etheric experience.
of the experience: “TELL THE
Lord Narayana walks toward me from a distance - tall, striding in long steps, very quickly, and it seems with great purpose. When Narayana reaches where I am standing, we look, deeply, into each other’s eyes. Instantly we are sitting across a table from each other with a large round bowl almost covering the table between us.
Lord Narayana walks toward me from a distance - tall, striding in long steps, very quickly, and it seems with great purpose. When Narayana reaches where I am standing, we look, deeply, into each other’s eyes. Instantly we are sitting across a table from each other with a large round bowl almost covering the table between us.
There is an orange,
fruit-like substance in the round bowl in a small amount and only in front of
Narayana along the side of the bowl. (The bowl looked like it was formed from a
metal substance. I felt the bowl represented the Kali Yuga, or iron age, the
majority of people on Earth are living in now. See Premavatar Si Swami
Vishwananda's teaching in the video below, explaining the two yugas people of
Earth are experiencing simultaneously now in our time. "Are we still in
Kali Yuga?")’ More:
London, England, a close devotee of Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda did a puja to Narayana-Premavatar Sri Swami Vishwananda and offered Orange Prasad. How loving and devoted !
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