Thursday, March 3, 2011

Love's Pearls of Wisdom by Mahavatar Babaji

Love's Pearls of Wisdom by Mahavatar Babaji

Running to the Divine, as Guru Swami Vishwananda speaks about, is willing your Self to follow the tenets of old, and merging them appropriately into the contemporary manifestation of the teachings of Masters in current day and time. Darkness and light play upon the screen within your Self, the unmanifest Divine Self. Outside your Self in the current world-view, you must unite the darkness and light into choosing goodness, dharma — the righteousness of the tenets of old, for you to become wholly good, wholly Divine, wholly enlightened. From darkness to light, the Guru, the Master takes you. Follow Him, your Heart Guru, to enlightenment, to your Divine Self and God-Realization.

I am Babaji, one who loves you eternally, my dear Chelas of Earth.

Mahavatar Babaji

Hiranyagarbha Liingam Birthe
d by Swami Vishwananda
9 p.m. Germany time yesterday during Shivaratri Celebrations
at Shree Peetha Nilaya

Hiranyagarbha Lingam birthed by Sri Swami Vishwananda yesterday, March 2, 2011 at 9 p.m. Germany time. Pictures and story (click on "Pictures and story")

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