Saturday, May 8, 2010

SWAMI SPEAKS of our Precious World

Swamiji playing tourist:
Camera optical illusion of Swamiji
Touching the top of the Great Pyramid
in the background of where he is standing
Swami Vishwananda: You all well know how precious our world is. Several times I have said that our Mother Earth is the most beautiful planet in the whole universe, not only in our solar system but everywhere else. What is so special with her within the whole universes is that all the other planets, all the other spheres, they are governed with only one or two elements. As you all well know, we have five elements. On Earth, she has all the five elements in her, that’s what makes her special and all which is coming out from her, which is everything that we can see, actually is made up of these five elements. Even our body which we took from this planet here is made up with this five elements. So we are part of this creation, we are part of her. But sad to see…

Sri Swami Vishwananda - Darshan
1st May 2010, Bhu Devi Yagna

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