Swami Vishwananda Answers 11 Questions about ATMA KRIYA: (AK webpage Link) http://www.atmakriya.org/
See VBV Entries Febuary 25 – March 7, 2010
QUESTION 1: http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-from-mahavatar-babaji.html
QUESTION 2 - http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/02/11-atma-kriya-questions-swami-answers.html
QUESTION 3 - See Below.
Where do the Atma Kriya Techniques come from?
See VBV Entries Febuary 25 – March 7, 2010
QUESTION 1: http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/02/letter-from-mahavatar-babaji.html
QUESTION 2 - http://virtual-babaji-vishwananda.blogspot.com/2010/02/11-atma-kriya-questions-swami-answers.html
QUESTION 3 - See Below.
Where do the Atma Kriya Techniques come from?
Dear Utpalavati,
there is a problem with the ton. It´s to silent.
Even when i lay my ear on the computer :-) i don´t understand Gurijis voice. This only to let you know. But anyway...
The answers are laying in our hearts...
Dear Tarun,
We are told that there was some problem with the AK videos due to Gurudev speaking in a soft and subdued tone of voice. The producers of the videos have said that they have rectified the problem.
I turned my volumn up both on the computer itself to 100% and also the You Tube volumn up to 100%. That may help so that you can at least hear Swami.
If anyone else has other suggestions, please comment here.
Jai Guru Dev
The Computer Darshan :-)
Dear Utpalavati,
thank you. i also put both volumns on 100%. It doesn´t work really...
But it was funny. i put my ear on the computer and then i looked into Swamijis face.
At this moment He smiled and explained something. You see, there are different forms of Darshan, the computer darshan :-).
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