by Mahavatar Babaj

Swami Vishwananda Teaches: Whether you believe or not, it’s there! God is sitting permanently within you. But to achieve Him, each one has his own personal way. To discover the God without form, God without name, the Eternal, is to realize that you, all of you, are part of Him. To realize God is the aim of man.
One: Sit in a quiet place with spine straight.
Two: Bring your attention, and begin to focus, within the heart.
Three: Know, feel, see or trust that you are with me in a cave in the High Himalayas.
Four: Those of you, who have experienced the Babaji Cave at Swami Vishwananda’s Springen Center, feel free to be with me there in your heart and in your inner vision. I will be with you no matter how you perceive me.
Five: I invite you to sit facing me in yogic position as we meditate. We sit on the cave floor on a folded blanket, facing each other.
Six: See me place five black rings of 5 inches in diameter on the blanket between us. The black rings represent the negativity of the five continents on Earth: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Seven: Pick up a first black ring, the one in the middle, with four black rings left on the blanket, two rings to the left and two to the right of the middle one.
Eight: Hold this ring in your right hand until the end of the meditation.
Nine: Now pick up a second ring with your left hand, the first one to your left on the blanket. Place palms together in pranam (prayer position) with one black ring in each hand.
Ten: Perceive what you will when the rings and the palms meet. Meditate with this until you feel or hear me instruct you to continue.
Eleven: Return the black ring in your left hand to its position where you picked it up from the blanket.
Twelve: Pick up the third black ring second from the left on the blanket, and bring your palms together, still retaining the black ring in your right palm. Perceive the energy and experience what you will. Return the ring to its proper position by feeling it is time or hearing me instruct you. Either is of the right vibration for you.
Thirteen: Pick up the fourth black ring from the blanket, the third ring from your left on the blanket. Retain the first black ring in your right hand, and place your palms together in pranam. Perceive what you will. Return the ring to its proper position.
Fourteen: Pick up the fifth ring, the fourth ring from your left on the blanket, and place hands in pranam and meditate until you feel it is time to replace it where you picked it up.
Fifteen: Slowly return your awareness to your body and physical surroundings.
Sixteen: Write your experience with each of the five rings as Utpalavati did and will share her experience below as an example only.
Seventeen: It will be beneficial if you choose to study and contemplate from the heart what you experienced in the Five Rings To Freedom Meditation.
Eighteen: For those who are willing to awaken to greater awareness, there will be a clear understanding of some spiritual principle for each of you if you are alert and sincerely enter into and complete this meditation with me.
Utpalavati’s Experience with Mahavatar’s Five Rings To Freedom Meditation
First Ring: In meditation, I find myself in the familiar Cave of Babaji in the Himalayas of India. Babaji places Five Black Rings, in diameter five inches, in the space between us as we sit on a folded blanket, facing each other in yogic position. He instructs me to place the middle black ring, or the first of the rings into my right hand. Babaji then tells me to place the other four rings, one by one, in my left hand when He directs me. He instructs me to simply relax and feel the energy He has placed within whichever ring is in my left hand and the middle ring which will stay in the right hand for the entire meditation. He instructs me to tell Him what I perceive as the meditation progresses.
Second Ring: Beginning at the left of the rings remaining, and with the middle one in my right palm, I place into my left hand, the second of the rings from where Babaji has placed them and with my hands in pranam position. I immediately see golden light everywhere, and I am sitting inside the golden light with Babaji. The light then changes to violet in color. As instructed, I tell Babaji what I am perceiving and He says: “This is a simple test to see if you can navigate easily from a chakra between the third eye which is represented as golden light in this meditation and into the crown chakra which may be perceived as violet light.”
Third Ring: Babaji instructs me to place the third ring after I replace the second ring into its place between us on the cave floor, retaining the first ring still in my right palm and with my hands in pranam position. I am ecstatically happy that I can sit with Babaji in a proper yogic position because in the physical, a reluctant and tightly inflexible hip flexor does not allow me to freely sit in the yogic position! I hold the third ring in the left hand while still holding the first ring in the right hand. I feel warm heat and the pulsation of my physical heart rhythmically beating in perfect union with Babaji. I see a beam of golden light mixed with violet rays radiating out of my crown chakra in a column straight upward above the crown. I see the column of light expand out into a circle of light and enclose the entire Earth within its beauty and light form, Babaji instructs me to send out healing energy from this light which now encloses the Earth inside it. I think of sending this healing light that Babaji has manifested to:
All people on all the five continents
The animals,
The plants,
The minerals,
The oceans,
All waterways and oceans,
All Government leaders,
All hungry, sick and homeless people
Ships at sea and the life on them,
The Pyramids,
Many holy places on Earth
The Holy Land where Christ lived,
Sacred India,
Places where Mother Mary has appeared
Babaji's Yantra: Reference for meaning of the Yantra:

The dark cloud of the collective negative energy from all five continents on Earth is absorbed into the golden light from Babaji’s hand and it disappears into His Golden Yantra energy that is radiating in front of His heart chakra. Babaji tells me that he has transmuted the negativity into higher Divine Vibration. He says that all minds on Earth working like this would have the power within them collectively to change the environment and world in which we live into higher vibration and paradise on Earth. And Babaji says it is not as difficult as we all presently think. Mahavatar says, “Whatever mankind thinks and acts upon truly, is manifested by individuals, one, by one, by one!”
Gurudev Swami Vishwananda drew Babaji's Yantra on Babaji's heart in the picture below

I feel a large, clear and many-faceted diamond appear between my two palms. Radiant white light shines through my hands and all around me. Babaji says: Please tell the readers that this light is symbolic of the diamond as a reminder to all that to reach liberation one must “die mind” that is to control the mind or symbolically to let the mind die. Babaji tells me also to remind His Internet Friends, and anyone in the future who will choose to do this meditation with him, of three Divine Principles that Paramahansa Yogananda and Christ Jesus taught mankind in their respective days on Earth.
“The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, and necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others.” –Paramahansa Yogananda
As God talked with Arjuna, so will He talk with you. As He lifted up the spirit and consciousness of Arjuna, so will He uplift you. As he granted Arjuna supreme spiritual vision, so will He confer enlightenment on you. –Paramahansa Yogananda
“Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” –Christ Jesus
Babaji then said that these spiritual principles that Christ Jesus and Yogananda taught, when acted upon, will help man to understand and comprehend so that he may forge ahead into the Oneness Vibration that will usher in the Golden Age of Man.I now hear the sound of OM in my right ear and the universal sound radiates throughout every cell and I feel light and at peace. As Swami Vishwananda teaches, I allow my consciousness to go deeper into the OM until I feel one with the sound or as if my consciousness is inside the OM. Deep peace pervades the Self. From within the sound of OM and as if it is the OM itself, I hear Babaji say from the wholeness of OM, “I love you.” And I feel Divine Love in every cell in my Self, my whole consciousness which is merged in the OM sound itself and is one with the OM. Of course there are no words to describe this accurately. The physical feeling when someone you love says, “I love you,” is nice. The permeating wholeness of merging into the sound of OM when Babaji said, “I love you,” from the OM itself, is indescribable.
From within the sound of OM, I look in wonder and Amazement as without feet touching the ground, the Divine Mother in the form of Maha Lakshmi mysteriously appears “floating” toward Mahavatar Babaji and me. She greets Babaji, and then motions for me to kneel in front of her. When I kneel, she touches my crown and my third eye with a light and loving touch, smiles and says: “Remember and write now what I will speak to my Earth children. Tell them that I love them beyond their ability to understand at this time in their evolution. But understanding, even in an instant, is possible with commitment and the firm belief that it may come for each. I see golden Coins spill from Mother’s hands in abundance. Mother says that the coins represent the spiritual wealth that comes with proper mind-control of merging your conscious mind with the Divine Self within and living your life from that vibration of liberation.
I see prolific crystal drops of diamonds pour from Her hands. Lakshmi says, “These diamonds represent the clarity that comes with the attunement to Divine Will with the heart of the Self. These are the treasures of heaven and we wish to help you desire them with a commitment so strong that they replace the treasures of this world in your mind, thinking and thoughts, heart, words, deeds and actions. So choose clearly my dear children, those of you who wish to meditate with us using the symbology of the Five Rings with which Mahavatar Babaji began this meditation.”
Maha Lakshmi then says: “Dear Ones of Earth domain, my children, my all, leave the dimension of longevity seeking in the bodily form to the Divine Providence. Come home within the mind and heart to eternal longevity. Don’t you long for the freedom of existing forever in a form of light? This is the reward you give yourself when you have controlled the mind as Babaji taught in the mind-control exercise in this meditation. There will be more of these exercises to come! Be prepared, those of you on this Internet Connection and anyone now or in future, who wishes to follow this series of meditations. They will help you to work for the freedom that controlling the mind brings to all who are sincere in their commitment to create a higher vibration. Rest assured that your Guru, Swami Vishwananda, also is working with you in His way to help you with this as well. Be friendly toward each other my children. Leave competition behind you and cooperate together to bring the light of peace and harmony into your world both personally and into world view and experience."
I Am Your Mother, Forever and Always, Lakshmi
Babaji Concludes: In order for the meditation we have just given to be “real” or to be of usefulness or effective, one must radiate the energy from the heart. The mind always will make you weak by logically telling you that this is a mind-game and that the energy is not real. Now decide which way you will radiate the energy out into your world. This meditation is an exercise in mind-control of your own mind. You choose. In order to trust that you may send healing energy truthfully and effectively, you must go to the heart and send the spiritual heart energy outward into your world. You all have the universal power of healing energy within your heart. You must want to give it outward as Swami Vishwananda teaches you. And so it is and so it is written.
My dear friends, each one of you is precious in the eyes of the One Most High. Remember that Jesus told the parable of the shepherd, representing Himself, looking for one lost sheep. So it is that we come in peace, harmony, love, patience, and unity to whatever number of you who wish to plow the path to freedom within yourselves. All of you, and each of you, is of equal importance as you walk within the field of our vibration of Love Divine. Come, and welcome.
–Babaji of the Light of the Kingdom of God Within You and All Life and The Immortal Representative of your own Immortal Soul
"Leave competition behind you and cooperate together to bring the light of peace and harmony into your world both personally and into world view and experience."
Help me please to do it.
From my heart - Love
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
today i tried the meditation "Five Rings To Freedom".
My experience is that there is enough to do for me. But i feel more and more connected with my or - an inner voice.
To this inner voice i would like to ask You some questions:
is this inner voice something which is to compare with a phone?
is it a kind of vibration (which is always given in the universe) what can make man thinking on a level (like a radio)?
can it be also Yours or Gurijis voice (or another Angel) who speaks really to me? or
is everything just imagination?
i´m a little bit colour-blind with red -, orange- and other colours.
Does it influence meditation?
(ok, without practising it doesn´t matter :-)). But with meditation...
Thank You.
From my heart - Love
i´m sitting here in front of two pictures (Mother Mary and Guriji) and i´m thinking about all the years looking after sense of life.
There are no words which can explane Love to You (also it´s not neccesary). But... we have an expression in Germany -
"wo das Herz von voll ist, kann der Mund nicht schweigen"
Love, again and again and when my ego comes because... and because...
then i want to be strong enough to say to mysef -
wo das Herz nicht von voll ist, da sollte ich schweigen.
Should the five rings meditation be repeated or should it be done just only once? I imagined the ring in my right hand to be Europe, as Swamiji´s Ashram is there and I,too live in Europe. the second ring turned up to be America, with Encinitas as well as US devotees of Swami Vishwananda. the third ring appeared to be Africa and I saw a Narashingadev statue/temple. the fourth ring represented India, with the Himalayas, and Tiruvannamalai, Dakshineshwar, so many places, so many temples, Gods/Goddesses and Gurus. And from the fifth ring amazingly, which represented Australia, healing energy emanated, I don´t know why, as actually the rings were meant to represent the continents negative energies. Maybe it represented wild nature, primitive uncivilized energy, but in a positive way.Maybe also I got something wrong: although I imagined the rings to be black, I did not see anything negative, only I felt a slightly burning sensation in my hands....then the phone was ringing. - I don´t know how to exactly contemplate on this experience? and whether I should repeat the meditation e.g. tomorrow. Thanks and JGD
For the person who wrote this comment: Anonymous said...
Should the five rings meditation be repeated or should it be done just only once?...
Jay Guru Dev,
We offer two suggestions for your questions:
One: Babaji tells us in the meditation: Please take the format of the meditation, those of you so guided from within, and make it your own experience. Each experience of the meditation will be personal, and is therefore the right way for each. Again, let me say there is no wrong way to meditate with me. And again and always, Atma Kriya as taught by Swami Vishwananda is wonderfully beneficial for all of you! Continue with Atma Kriya! Reference:
Two: perhaps if you complete the meditation as Babaji designed it, the answers to your questions may come from the following steps Babaji gave in the meditation.
Sixteen: Write your experience with each of the five rings as Utpalavati did and will share her experience below as an example only (on the blog not repeated here).
Seventeen: It will be beneficial if you choose to study and contemplate from the heart what you experienced in the Five Rings To Freedom Meditation.
Eighteen: For those who are willing to awaken to greater awareness, there will be a clear understanding of some spiritual principle for each of you if you are alert and sincerely enter into and complete this meditation with me.
Perhaps you could choose to go within to learn if you are to do the meditation again or not.
Love and Blessings, Utpalavati
For the person who wrote this comment: "To this inner voice i would like to ask You some questions:
is this inner voice something which is to compare with a phone?
is it a kind of vibration (which is always given in the universe) what can make man thinking on a level (like a radio)?
can it be also Yours or Gurijis voice (or another Angel) who speaks really to me? or
is everything just imagination?:
Response: "Please know that the time for locating the meaning of your questions and the response to your questions is within you waiting to be discovered. Go now on your own treasure hunt within. You may be surprised what you find there. For sure Divine Love is there and for sure the "still small voice." the inner voice is there, in the heart of each soul on Earth. Beloved Be!"
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