Christmas Greetings
To One and All
Dear Internet Friends and Colleagues: It is that time of year when the Christian tradition celebrates the birth of the Christ Child. Christ Jesus taught the beautiful lesson of Love and Compassion. “Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you.” Let you be one who promises within yourself, praise be to the Divine, should you be one who resonates to Christ's message, to be faithful all your days to his teaching. Let it be said that the chelas who resonate to the vibration of Swami Vishwananda and Babaji read between the lines of the Christian Bible and insert, for modern times, the truth of all spiritual traditions. And you all know that the Oneness of Love that the Christ taught you is the truth of all religions, all traditions. Let it be known world-wide that Swami Vishwananda and I, Babaji, teach you the same truths of the Christ and what the Christ Child represents this Holy Season on Earth.
Amen and OM
Babaji Says Today: Someone out there who reads this blog regularly is in need and feels some measure of desperation in his life. That person is praying to him for a certain help in a dilemma he finds himself in these days. Babaji says you will know who you are. And the rest of you who read this blog may be reminded of the truths in this letter and find something in the letter, again, to inspire you on your way always. Mahavatar sends Christmas greetings to One and All.
Mahavatar Letter:
Babaji's Letter reprinted from VBV blog of Saturday, November 7, 2009:
From time since the beginning, that in essence truly is without beginning and without end, we have stood with humanity as you strive to reach the highly elusive Oneness Consciousness. To reach Oneness and be aware of The All, Omniscience, and to know that you are a measure of the Infinite One as Divine Love, who survives and lives forever is the highest formula for living on Earth. This is universal and is not distinguished as exclusive for old or young, aware or unaware, tired or energetic, beautiful or not-so-beautiful, good and not-so-good, Enlightened Master or struggling and unemployed house-holder, or all of the duality contained in the World View of Consciousness.
To the one who wrote a comment here asking for guidance as to the best way to live in this world: May I urge you to place action and commitment into your words and into your writing thoughts. To progress further on the spiritual path, one who actually is writing a true longing to progress spiritually, to grasp the greater truths must go within the Self, understand what one needs to do to accomplish what one seeks and then place that into life, into daily actions, thoughts, and words. Just begin!
Let your mantra and prayer be:
This day, Oh Lord of Life,
help me to live what I long to become.
Let me become, this day,
the higher teachings in my life
and in my being.
Let me become Divine Love
and express it to the All,
all the time.
May I be committed,
and take responsibility,for my own progression into Light,
now and forevermore!
Amen, OM, OM, OM
This is truth: None of your teachers or spiritual guides can create this Oneness Consciousness for you! We can help; we can freely give you Divine love from our hearts, spiritual teachings, and even high vibrational energy that you physically may feel. What you do with all this love and assistance is up to you, personally. So, take action, and move yourself forward.
To all of you: Of course, all the above applies to everyone. Choose not to stay stopped or stagnated any longer. Take inventory, connect with the Divine Love in your Heart, and then take action to become the Light Being you truly are and always have been!
—Babaji, One Who Is Eternal Light and Realizes That You Also Are Light
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