Hiranyagarbha Lingam Gurudev Manifested:
More information and Links:
Swami Vishwananda says:
”It is an equal blessing just to see a picture of the Hiranyagarbha Lingam and any picture of the Lingam embodies the blessing of healing.”
http://swamivishwananda-info.blogspot.com/2009/12/hirayagharba-manifestations-by-swami.htmlMahavatar Babaji writes you today: Now is the time for all mankind to go within the essence and locate the Seed Crystals of Truth which you all carry. They wait patiently to burst forth into freedom of the light of day.

These seeds of memory lie in wait like the memory of Lahiri Mahasaya, whom you have read about in Paramahansa Yogananda’s
Autobiography Of A Yogi. Let this book and Its timeless contents be a modern day inspiration for any of you who have the heart connection with me and your Guru, Swami Vishwananda.
Why? The same energy, and the same Atman, soul content, and the same infusion of Divine Truth, Love, Patience, Union and eternal Trust is beautifully written in that book,
even as we teach you today. The same Love we offer you is present in that book and the same Trust that Yogananda had in Lahiri Mahaysaya, Sri Yukteswar and Babaji is the same Babaji speaking with you in now time. Let it be. It is written and it is so!
...Fleas on dogs itch and cause the dog to scratch itself. Let the fleas of your samkaras be the irritant itch that removes your karma and sets you free....
Dear Utpalavati, for sure you wrote the sutras intuitively. But perhaps you can still explain: the above stanza means one should just ignore one´s tendencies from past lives(like fleas) until they finally vanish?
also do you agree that everyone has different tendencies to get rid of, I got a feeling that, whereas some of us are made to become more active, others are made to wait and refrain from their samskaras/tendencies from past lives to always interfere so quickly, and be it to help others, to do the work others are meant to do, as others must learn to depend on their own ability to start actions of their own? Hope you understand...Thanks and Love to Babaji and to you.
does a color photo of the lingam have healing properties? so we can just keep a printout from the experience blog, e.g. on our altar? JGD
This is what Swami Vishwananda said about the Hiranyagarbha's healing abiities yesterday: "The lingam will reflect on the world itself, not only on this centre. It has a lot of healing qualities. It does not only help to heal the physical level, but it heals the soul itself." Link: http://swamivishwananda-info.blogspot.com/2009/12/speech-from-swamiji-about-manifested.html
This is an important question and I will inquire and see if Gurudev will give us a direct answer that we can print here and get back with you all on this blog about it. -Utpalavati
the Babaji painting is nice! maybe due to the blue background, His eyes almost look like blue eyes. In reality, are His eyes blue or not?
- if i may ask?
Dear Babaji,
with the "Autobiographie eines Yogis",(Yoganada) there is a funny point:
The first time i red it ca. 20 years ago and when i look into the book again there is something new. Sometimes it seems to me that i have never red this story or another one...
The qualitity from understanding is changing through experiences of Life and Yoga teached by Guriji and Bhaktimarga.
Isn´t it comical to have a book which becomes newer with the ages?
I just got the Autobiography audio book today, (sent by amazon.co.uk), read by Ben Kingsley. hope that as a non-native speaker will be able to understand it...
NOTE: To the person who asked about a picture of the Hirangarbha Lingam as to healing qualities...and all of you, we have added more information and a slide show of pictures on FLICKR of the manifestation from BHAKTI MARGA at the beginning of today's blog post.
Swami Vishwananda says:
”It is an equal blessing just to see a picture of the Hiranyagarbha Lingam and any picture of the Lingam embodies the blessing of healing.”
Thanks for the answer. Love
The book "Autbiographie eines Yogis" (Yogananda) is written in different languages, so far i know.
To the person asking about the color of Babaji's eyes: From various people reports through time, it is apparent that Babaji may change his form at will. Sometimes he varies slightly His appearance as we normally see Him dipicted in pictures. Babaji's eyes to me, so far, appear dark and with the depth of eternity in them like we see sometimes in darshan and occasionally at other times with Gurudev. So what color are his eyes? Any color that he wishes, one might think!
To the person writing about the Yogananda book on audio: Enjoy and blessins.
Bingo, i´m not sure but i think it´s the first time that we blog writers have posted more then 10 times to one subject.
In marketing therms it can be an interesting point. Are we able to do marketing? Marketing in Love all over the world with the grace and in the name from "our" Gurijis and Saints. What a wonderful job!
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