Place of Crucifixion

The Edicule (Christ's Tomb)
This structure preserves the location of Christ's tomb. Though the cave here was carved away by a Muslim ruler 1000 years ago, a clear history remains that this has been the revered location of the tomb. (Reference Google)

Mahavatar Babaji:
When time stands still, one is the happiest, isn’t it? When man stands still, the heart has opened to Divine, Infinite Love. How can that be? In stillness, the calm that comes from heavenly communion with nature and beyond time’s domain brings Heavenly scents and scenes that come to those who have conquered time. Rush toward the Self that each of you possesses in the stillness beyond Earthly desires of the flesh, and blood, and bones. Let time recede into its own domain and you choose the heavenly scenes of timelessness. Let it be said that those of you, who resonate from the heart, learn to stand on your own two feet through bypassing the desires of the Earth and its environs that keep you on the wheel of karma lifetime after lifetime.

When one visits such places as the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, pictured above, there is wondrous energy stemming from the great happenings that manifested there. Also at the Church of The Holy Sepulchre, there are sacred, high levels of energy laid down by countless numbers of people praying and venerating the life of Christ Jesus that merge with one’s own energy to magnify the possibility of transformation in humankind. Go to these sacred places and accept the love that is there. And be aware that you must connect this Divine energy with your own Atmic Self energy to manifest the Divine right of each human to receive the blessing from the birthright of one such as the Christ. Be it forevermore known that you are Divine, even as the Christ taught: “"Even greater things than I have done, you shall do.” Accept and embrace this teaching and know that you, too, are Divine, even as the Christ was and is Divine. What greater thing than that is there for you to realize?
-Babaji, One Who Lives Forever. Amen and OM
1 comment:
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
Thank You
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