Note: Gurudev in Warsaw, Poland [From Drishti in Springen]
Two days ago Gurudev Swami Vishwananda had a Darshan in Warsaw, Poland with about 900 guests attending. It lasted until 3 o'clock in the morning. Yesterday, Swamiji did a Kailash Puja in the Narashimha Temple. See pictures of the Warsaw Narashimha Temple on Flickr: Today Gurudev and group traveling with him fly to Danzig for Darshan tonight.
Swami Vishwavijayananda in Mauritius in 1999 with the then 21-year old, Swami Vishwananda, tells the following divine story: During my stay in Mauritius in 1999, I was alone with Swami Vishwananda in his room and we were talking. Suddenly he lifted his eyes and they stayed fixed at a point at the top of the wall. I quickly ran to get my camera which was in another room.

(JHS: The symbol, derived from the first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus is transliterated as JHS)
(Stigmata: marks on the hands and feet resembling the wounds from Jesus Christ's crucifixion)
you have to take another birth and suffer again. Why not suffer for some time now and be done with it once and for all.(Shirdi Sai)
normally it is like this:
if i would like to understand something i learn...
With Guriji and saints it´s the opposite sometimes. i learn and understand less because there is always something new which i can´t understand.
Perhaps it´s good so...
Thank You and Love
reg. to the comment:
"you have to take another birth and suffer again. Why not suffer for some time now and be done with it once and for all."(Shirdi Sai)
i would like to say - after a while i have understood it.
In dialogue with Saints perhaps it´s better to say - i think/ believe/could be/ that...
It seems to be that Saints always have an option :-)))...
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