Swami Vishwananda:
Every day say to yourself,
“I am the Spirit.
I am the Christ,” and let it reflect outside.
When you say, “I am a child of God. I’m part of the creator. I’m part of the Father,” and you do not reflect it to the outside, it does not help. What I mean by the reflection towards the outside is to let this vibrate within you at first.
Swami Vishwananda [right] & Swami Vishwavijayananda
Secondly, as much as possible, help!
Help whoever comes to you.
Help without even thinking of helping.
If possible, once a week, go on the streets. If you live in a town, for sure there are so many people who live on the streets. You can go and talk to and be with them. It is not a big thing.
Are the Springen residents also expected to go to the streets of say Wiesbaden? -
Also if possible I would like to know, I formerly did talk to people living in the street, and when younger even had to do with them in my profession in social service. But of course people living in the streets are often drunk, in order not to feel cold, and not to feel lonely, and thus they stink (from alcohol as well as from not being able to wash themselves and their clothes) and also tend to abuse you, say obscene things or even threaten to attack you physically.(also partly due to alcohol of course) Does Naam Jaap help against this, I mean against the fear of e.g being physically attacked or insulted with obscene offers etc? - I know that even these people are searching for God, as Ramana Maharshi put it, even in alcohol, even in drugs, people search for God only, even as they may not know it...
I remember the London devotees or maybe former devotees giving food and/or clothes to the homeless on Saturdays? If there are several people together,e.g. giving out food etc, maybe there is also less danger of being attacked than there is for a woman who approaches homeless men in the street alone.- of course Sarada Devi walked alone in the forest and even a pair of robbers, man and woman, could not do her any harm, as she was a saint...and according to Vivekananda, if you havent´had any agressive thought for twelve years, noone can attack you, neither man nor beast, but then certainly we are by far not yet so evolved...?
I have one question, I remember reading in a book written by a former devotee that it doesn´t matter what seva one does, that no cause is greater than another, ??
according to this, it is just as "valuable" to give shelter to abandoned animals - or is taking care of humans always "better"?JGD
Jai Guru Dev,
It is wonderful how our internet friends are beginning to form a kind of community through communicating with each other here.
We feel the second comment, in response to the first comment, is very good counsel, from experience. We would add only that to use commen sense as society dictates is just common sense. Do that! And do the service Swami Vishwananda suggests in what was given earlier from the heart.
I am Babaji and this interaction is pleasing.
Anonymous said...
I have one question, I remember reading in a book written by a former devotee that it doesn´t matter what seva one does, that no cause is greater than another, ??
according to this, it is just as "valuable" to give shelter to abandoned animals - or is taking care of humans always "better"?JGD
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
In response to this question: We recommend you read tomorrow's post on this blog. Swami Vishwananda talks about His trip to Israel. He speaks about listening to the "inner voice," and asking questions like Mother Mary did when the angel, Gabriel, appeared to her announcing that she would conceive and give birth to the Christ Child. We suggest it could be an interesting sadhana for you to get your answer to this question following Gurudev's teaching in tomorrow's post.
Blessings, Utpalavati with Babaji's guidance...
last week I started. So, every week (so long it´s possible) I train 12 children in school to play table tennis. It´s not much.
But it´s a beginning in helping.
We have a lot of fun.
of course, whoever finds the courage and heart in himself/herself to help the people in the streets, i.e. do e x a c t l y what Swamiji suggests, not some "surrogate" it will be best! because these people in the streets are really miserable and deplorable, living so difficult scripts.and certainly not without reason did he not say anything else, but did say: take care of the homeless..but who feels he/she cannot do this, any other seva will also be ok...
by the way: it is a wonderful photo from Swami and Pritala.
yes, this photo is great!
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
Dear sisters and brothers,
since You decided "comments must be approved by the blog author" I haven´t feel good. 3 hours ago I left my car and somebody asked me to help. Obviously this man wasn´t in a good condition...
I would like to say that it wasn´t my intention to make trouble with my comments but
I am sorry.
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