Swami Vishwananda speaks of the
Seven Gifts of the Spirit

Mahavatar Babaji: When the time comes for rebirth in any incarnation, it is best if this is completed within the lifetime itself! Those who wait until the time of physical death to look for the peace of Divine Love and rebirth within the heart and soul of the Self seldom find it. Yet, the Christ within, the Divine Most High Formless God, does have mercy. And if one is sincere and has developed enough control of the mind, he may find the mercy there and make the transition with peace and rebirth of an easy transition. Control of the mind is purification’s shinning diamond jewel.
Atma Kriya Symbol

Babaji continues: One’s sadhana, the spiritual practice becomes the action on one’s chosen path. All these practices we choose for purification of the incarnation personality and form are the flowers of our love we offer The Divine. The Divine accepts our sadhana gifts and the connection is made. You see, dear Internet friends, it is like the electrical circuit on Earth, which the Divine has created and given to you. You must harness the energy known as electricity to even be aware of it. You must make the connection which completes the circuit and the electrical energy flows in a spherical motion and may be felt and used in either a constructive or destructive methodology. An example of this Divine Principle is written in the Ramayana in the lives of Lord Ram and the demon king, Ravana.
It is the same with your heart connection with The Divine energy. Purification becomes intense when one does sadhana through practices and The Divine is felt, experienced and Divine Love Blossoms in the heart as Swami Vishwananda teaches you. Therefore, together, we have provided two very powerful ways of sadhana known to you as Atma Kriya and OM Healing. We bless each one of you who attune your own vibration with ours during the sadhana of these two opportunities for purification on your spiritual path, with Swami Vishwananda as your spiritual teacher. We come from the Divine Heart of Love, we teach love, and we are Love . . . and my dear Internet friends, so are you! Purification is the sure road to Divine Love. And so it is and so let it be.
I Am Babaji, one who is accosted continuously, within the Oneness of all, by dark forces who would undermine the work of the Divine with each of you. I stand firm in Light, in Love, and I will remain your champion for Enlightenment Remembered forever.
Swami Vishwananda: When the heart is clean [purified], one sees the world differently. When one is on the spiritual path, the Lord tries to bribe each one so that the individual wants Him only. [Such as . . . Krishna breaking the butter pots so that the people would be focusing on Him, The Lord, always]. One receives differently whatever the Lord gives happily to each. The Bible says one advances when the spirit of God descends upon one and he is gifted with the seven gifts [of the spirit] such as clairvoyance, knowledge and wisdom. This occurs when one has arrived in the seven chakras and has attained moksha, liberation [Jivan Mukthi].
Dear Babaji, dear Swamiji,
Thank You! Thank You for being with us continuously, for inspiring us, for championing us, for giving us the opportunity and tools. Again and again for everything You are doing for us.
I love You with the whole of my hearth!
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji, Dear Lahiri Mahasaya,
You work like a mirror. Our Eyes see. But how do our eyes see? They need a mirror. For me You are the mirror of my soul. Even clearer because not mirror-enverted.
You show and work with pur love and wisdom. This is what I feel.
What may we give back?
Thank You
Thanks and Love!
What may we give back? To that question we respond: Divine Love is given freely, always, without expectation. If you want to give something,in true reality, there is only Divine Love to give. Swami Vishwananda continually teaches you: "Find this Divine Love in your heart and share it, spread it." This is the foundation of His mission.
This is our standing question on this blog: "From your heart will you resonate?" If you do resonate with my teachings and those of Swami Vishwananda, let it be so that you find this Divine Love in your heart and spread it everywhere, all the time, as you understand time. In truth, I Am ever yours, -Babaji
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji,
the energy of cosmic love spreads all the time. It influences thinking, feeling and acts from everybody (as the sun for exc.).
Gradualy the cosmic energy builds higher consciousnesses on mother earth and in the world. This is an ongoing process. No one can´t realy run away. And why should we?
At the moment or at time human beeing or - everybody by himself understands how beautiful it is - why should we?
Perhaps there are only three possibilities for us?
1. We receive this quality of live/ consciousness with our own decission and use our inner voice.
2. We live our lifes with our Karmas through comming back to mother earth. Again and again. During this periods the cosmic energy goes further on and is building new ones - and we run after it...
3. It will be given through God and/or One of His Masters
Is this right?
We are Yours
From the French Vishwananda Talks blog, Saturday, 24th of October, (translated)
You are continually confronted with many tests, which God places on your path. If you want to realize God, if you want to discover who you are, focus on something higher (than the tests), no matter what occurs on your path, no matter how difficult the tests you are exposed to. Ask God for the power to never lose hope, never to fall back into your old patterns (of behavior, of thinking), no matter what tests God gives you.
Anonymous said... [for 5th comment]
From the French Vishwananda Talks blog, Saturday, 24th of October, (translated)
You are continually confronted with many tests, which God places on your path. If you want to realize God, if you want to discover who you are, focus on something higher (than the tests), no matter what occurs on your path, no matter how difficult the tests you are exposed to. Ask God for the power to never lose hope, never to fall back into your old patterns (of behavior, of thinking), no matter what tests God gives you.
Babaji says: Excellent response for 5th Comment. We stand with this. Blessings, Babaji
:-))))))))))))))))))))) LOVE
Dear Babaji,I was pondering on that: dark forces are trying to undermine the work of the Divine with each of us/devotees/disciples.
and then reading somewhere, in the wisdom blogspot if I remember correctly, that according to Swami Vishwananda it is mainly pride that hinders us? So it is not so much lack of time and so on which prevents people from taking action, but pride? Love
But it is also fear and bad habits that prevent us from loving unconditionally, or maybe fear makes us proud?
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