We can go and do service on the outside. We can give to many organizations that buy a lot of things and give them to the poor countries. Does it mean that this is service? You can always put a hundred Euros every month aside, and give it to an organization account saying, “That’s service.” But the moment the money is gone, you don’t even know what is happening with what you have given.
When you yourself go and participate in the actual service work, it creates joy for you. And that’s the joy that God wants you to develop. People say, “Yes, but I don’t have time to go and serve.” In the mind when you talk about service, people think that you have to go to India or to Africa to serve. But here where you live, your neighbor is dying or the neighbor by your side is hungry. You’re thinking of India but you may see the same road everywhere. Offer from deep within your heart the flowers that you have inside. Offer it to Him. In this way, you don’t even need to sit to pray because He always will be with you.So, open up your heart. And serve whenever you can. Help whenever you can. Service starts near and around you.
From Utpalavati With Love: Gurudev did not have this in His talk, but a reader suggested it and it is timeless truth. St. Paul wrote in His First Epistle to the Corinthians: l CORINTHIANS 13:4-8
Love is patient,
Love is kind and is not jealous;
Love does not brag and is not arrogant,
Does not act unbecomingly;
It does not seek its own,
Is not provoked,
Does not take into account a wrong suffered,
Does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
But rejoices with the truth;
Bears all things,
Believes all things,
Hopes all things,
Endures all things.
Love never fails.
Dear Guriji,
Your comment help me a lot to make my decission in my profession.
Thank You.
I like the St. Paul´s Epistle and I remember Babaji some time ago including it in one of His Epistles on this blog. must have been beginning of september...
If everything originates from God, how about the suffering of animals? over the road from our house, a couple had given up pig breeding last year after 60 years but now resumed it. It gives me pain to see the cattle carrier standing there in their yard and knowing the animals are going to go on a long and stressful transport before being slaughtered.
Shirdi Sai said even animals do have prarabd karma, and sometimes humans are reborn as animals, even as reptiles, such as snake and frog when having done great wrongs as humans. so these pigs did great wrongs? as a wild animal in a previous life, maybe even eating humans? or can such a cattle farmer become a pig in his next life himself also? Shirdi Sai would probably say yes. Otherwise in case the animals did not do any wrong, how can God make them suffer?
Response for 2nd Comment:
Babaji: Greetings. We could write a book addressing your questions. In actual fact, many books by various Masters have been written including extensive discussion of your questions.
It is beyond the scope of this blog to go into great detail about the concerns in your comment.
I will tell you three things, my dear:
The very best way you can help is to pray for your concerns sincerely from your heart!
And you could look within the work of one of the Masters you like, who have left teachings behind on this planet concerning the subjects you broach here.
And I am available to speak with you on the Inner Plane of your Self, as I am for all of you.
-Babaji, with love to all.
Dear Babaji, Thanks very much!
I wonder how I can ever manage not to get angry about wrongs suffered.(St.Paul´s epistle)
I manage a few days or for some time, only to, once in a time get angry again.
So it is ok if I pray for my concerns, this is good to know. I was wondering whether trying to love unconditionally would allow me to pray for any concerns, because I felt that I was strictly speaking not allowed any concerns any more.
I was for some time trying to join a weekly group prayer activity of Sai Amritvani, but somehow it hardly ever worked out fine. Now I feel like: -a: praying individually is just as good as joining an (online or offline) group for prayers as God will also listen to a single person if he prays from the heart?
and secondly: as I have only little time I should focus my energies and should not try to pray the Amritvani if I cannot even find the energy to get up early in the morning to meet You in meditation? so priorities are probably very important... Love
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