Light As Love Is All There Is
– Mahavatar Babaji

Should you have available the OM Chanting CD of Swami Vishwananda, please have it playing softly near you as you follow me in this meditation. By the Divine Grace of OM we all have our being!
Begin by closing your eyes with intention.
Take a few moments to quiet yourself and find a measure of peace.
Intend to bring light into your form with all your concentration, commitment and Love.
Remember to Love yourself, and the all, as we take this
Journey Into Light.
From your Heart, see me as you normally see me internally from your heart.
Know that I am with you always as is the Supreme Divine Without Form. You are never alone.
Please take my hand, feel the warmth, know I am with you, and remember The Light.
Fill yourself with light. Feel the light flooding all your cells from your crown chakra to the tips of your toes.
Walk with me.
Ahead you see a great luminescent light. It fills the whole vision as far as you can see.
As we come closer to this light, know that you may look into it as we have adjusted your ability to do so through the energy you are perceiving through our connection of holding hands.
The Light now changes to a iridescent, vibrantly alive beautiful violet. It is the light of Divine Love as you realize you are perceiving that this Light is a form of the Supreme Being. . .Narayana-Vishu.
If you freely choose, please Bow with me to the Light of All That Is. Realize and Remember that you know that Light is Everything . . .All That Is.
Rest yourself within this light and allow the Gods to wrap you in a blanket of Love which is forever available to everyone. You must make this connection with the Gods in order to enjoy the Love they so readily wish to share with you, please understand!
So it is written and So It Is: You have made this connection with me through this meditation and through holding my hand and you have traveled, thereby into Light, and now you are resting securely within the Divine Love of Narayana, The Supreme Being.
It is not as difficult as many imagine, is it?
Believe ye that it is so as the Christ said, “As a man thinketh, so is he?”
This is truth, this is Love, and my Beloved Internet Friends, Light as Love is All There Is!
- Babaji
Note: Regarding the new Bhajan Book With Chords as we informed you about on this blog yesterday: It will be available in the Bhakti Shop at an estimated time of Christmas 2009. Check with the Bhakti Shop at that time please. Thank you.
Note: Regarding the new "Bhajan Book With Chords" as we informed you about on this blog yesterday: It will be available in the Bhakti Shop at an estimated time of Christmas 2009. Check with the Bhakti Shop at that time please. Thank you.
Dear Babaji, Dear Guriji, Dear Lahiri Mahasaya,
perhaps there are people who don´t know what lonelines is. Who knows it knows how terrible it can be. It can be unbelievable terrible.
There was a time I thought - it has to be and it would be normal. The only way to step out of this circle would be to be successful.
"Please take my hand, feel the warmth, know I am with you, and remember The Light."
You even say - "please".
I bow to You low. From my heart -
Thank You
Dear Tarun, I like your comment.
...who knows it knows... and so on.
I also thought "the only way to step out of this would be to be successful". - But what is success and what is not success? Is working like a slave success because one does not have to live in the street, is not exposed to hunger,cold and robbery, or is living in the street success because one doesn´t have to work like a slave? I am not asking these questions just out of mere sillyness, fun or boredeom... and so on...are the married less lonely than the unmarried? -And yes, I also agree with your saying: You even say "please"---there is more to it, but more I do not want to say.Thanks to all and Jai Guru Dev!
i think about what you wrote and would like to say - thank you for you comment.
Learning seems to be a never ending story...
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