This word ‘love’ hides a lot of mystery and a lot of secrets. This expression of Divine love, pure consciousness, is who you really are. So many times we forget about it. We try to be separate from it. We have to continuously remind ourselves that we are this love. No matter what comes along the way, remember that we are this love. We are here to realize this love and to share this love.
How do we realise this love? We meet someone and say to the person, “I love you.” How many times in your life have you said to somebody else, “I love you?” You have said this to others many times. But have you ever said to your own self: “I love myself!” When it comes to loving one’s own self, people say, “It is difficult.” It’s difficult because you see all the negative qualities of your outer self, forgetting that this true Self, who you really are, is just pure love. So to give love, first you should realise love with your own self. Start loving yourself. Some people think loving oneself is very egotistic, but to love the Self is not to love the body. Loving one’s self is transcending the physical aspect. Through love you will develop trust and patience. If you have these three: love, trust and patience, you have everything else.
-Swami Vishwananda
Dear Guriji,
yes, - it is more true than I am able to accept it sometimes. But I excercise the shorter way. And I also trust in Your help.
Dear Guriji,
may I ask You serously - are 2.500 years in Heaven a long time?
Seriously, there is no time in the higher vibrations or dimesions of Heaven as you term it. We know that time is of this 3D Vibration and it is an illusion. We suggest you take a look at the work of the scientist Albert Einstein (time is relative) and Stephen Hawkins, "A Brief History of time." Also, Swami, Himself, does not DIRECTLY respond to questions on this blog. Mahavatar Babaji sometimes does respond to questions.
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