Dear Babaji, Dear Guruji, as for meditating with You, I got the impression that I get inspirations, impulses, not (yet) really word by word, but in form of sudden ideas, and then You watch if and in how far I am prepared to implicate [or implement] these inspirations, to put them into practice. And: these inspirations are not pleasant (for my ego perhaps), they are about letting go certain habits mainly. Is this the normal way how it works? As Vivekananda said: Comfort is no proof for truth, on the contrary, often truth is anything but comfortable...Love
P.S: there seems to be also a kind of feedback/back coupling from Your side, depending on how much or how little I - or another person, as I guess it is not just about me - puts into practice? So if one fails to put the ideas one receives during meditation into practice, the "speed" slows down and one doesn´t get so many inspirations any more for some time? JGD
Vishwananda-Utpalavati said... Babaji imprints to Utpalavati responding to above two comments: What you say is truth! Time and space merge into relevance for each individual according to his own interpretation of Divinity and time and space. And that applies, as well, to my own incarnations into Earth forms. So we...Continue.
I knew this time would come when instant world-wide communication would be available to mankind and within it, the slow adaptation to it within the spiritual communities. Now, I am pleased to say that one way Swami Vishwananda has taken this opportunity for planetary communication to heart for His mission is in establishing several forms of global communication in several Earth languages in the comtemporary form of the "blog." And So It Is! –Babaji
I knew this time would come when instant world-wide communication would be available to mankind and within it, the slow adaptation to it within the spiritual communities. Now, I am pleased to say that one way Swami Vishwananda has taken this opportunity for planetary communication to heart for His mission is in establishing several forms of global communication in several Earth languages in the comtemporary form of the "blog." And So It Is! –Babaji
Thanks! - Love
Uncoditional Love seems to be unconditional excercise but it moves step by step to the right path - I hope instantly.
Reg. to my comment: I ment itensivly instead istantly.
Excuse me, please.
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