We have to understand that . . .
God does not have any religion.
God does not have any caste.
God does not have any color.
God is beyond all this.
We have to achieve this Oneness with the Divine beyond all diversity on the outside.
God has created everyone equally. He has placed Himself equally in everybody’s heart. God lives in the form of Love in the hearts of all people. Everyone is an aspect of this Divine Love.
Regardless of your religion, be it Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist or any other path, this Divine Love connects us all. Faith is the same everywhere.
Sri Kriya Babaji Ashtotram - 108 names of Babaji, no.2: OM Sri Buddha Gurave Namaha. Salutations to Babaji, the teacher of Buddha...
sorry, the Guru of Buddha actually JGD
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