Thousands of years of memory fragments float around the room like Charles Dickens' ghosts of Christmas' past. Dickens' ghosts were of darkness, which later were transformed into light. The memories wafting through the air in my room as I awakened this morning were floating like whispers of memory clouds of great light brought to life by a Light Being of great stature and beauty.
Avatar Rama stood there, beautiful and powerful, with love radiating from him which filled the room. An aroma of sandalwood and roses accompanied the tall figure of Rama. My heart remembers the "past" when He lived on Earth as the Avatar Ram when I had experienced this same love in His presence. This "past" experience came through the Grace of Mahavatar Babaji who sent me into incarnation at the wondrous time of Rama on Earth. This incarnation of Ram is recorded for all time in the Ramayana.
Ram begins speaking and requests that I write his words for this VBV blog:
"Out of my continuous love for mankind, I speak to you all today. I have built an energetic bridge between you and me from the "past," of which you know, to the present day. Some of you who read this blog are devotees from my incarnation as Rama, along with your love and devotion to your teacher Premavatar Swami Vishwananda. I speak today to those of you who are thus inclined within the heart. I am speaking to those of you who wish to touch my hand, to hear me speak and to feel my love for you. Today I am answering these calls in this, perhaps, unusual way of the Inter-net in order to reach your inner-net.
"History records that in the time of Christ there was a waste dump outside Jerusalem which was burning always. and never extinguished. This wasteland carried the name of Hell! The red-orange fire light from this waste dump, on occasion, looked somewhat like a beautiful, rising sun. On Earth it is a fact that duality exists. The purpose of life is to transcend this duality and detach from the material world and in this way one attains light, which is individual for each one, and thereby each one attains The Divine. There are many individual ways to attain this goal of life.
As Krishna said, I harmoniously am an emisary of the same:
"In whatever form, at any time, a devotee of mine may reflect on a particular thing with his intellect, concentrating the intellect on me as possessed of infallible will, he gets that very form. (Uddhava Gita: Chapter 10; Verse26 - by Swami Madhavananda) (In this case, please concentrate on Rama).

"Likewise, as Krishna said, if you wish to experience me and my vibration as I stand on this bridge I have built today, detach from this world. Become quiet and meditate on me. I will meet you as I stand on this bridge ready to receive you in Divine Love."
With a Love Greater than Man Can Conceive
I Am Rama
I represent Dharma
Hearing your Calls
I Have Come
(Swamini VishwaLakshmiAnandama)
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