Swami Vishwananda Guru Purnima 2010
Swami Vishwananda tells the following story (in short): A teacher once was asked by a disciple, “How is it to find God?” The teacher dragged the disciple to a near-by river and held his head under the water. Finally the teacher released the disciple and asked him how he felt with his head under water. The disciple said, “I longed with everything within me to breathe some air; I felt like I was suffocating. "
You want to find God? It is this way. You have to try your best. When this longing for the Divine or for realization, God-realization, whatever name you put on it, really is like suffocating yourself, and when you can’t even breathe, then you can say, ”Yes, I’m on the way towards Divinity.” As long as this longing is not like that, you are still here in this world. And that’s how it is to find God. –Swami Vishwananda
Utpalavati: Reading the following verse from the Bible yesterday, this thought occurred:” If we all imbibed the true meaning of this verse as if its contents were nectar of the Gods filling a Holy Grail with the promise for successful human life, we all would be enlightened beings. If every thought, every word, and every action lived inside these nine energetic connections to the Divine, (nine is a most sacred number as you know), then we would be living inside God’s love, we consciously would be longing for God and in sync with His one heartbeat of creation and his Divine Principles that bring harmony, love, peace and enlightenment to life, Unity With The Divine. We would find God!
“But when the Holy Spirit (the heart, the Divine within) controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Bible: Galatians 5:22
Swami Vishwananda Singing Bala Mukunda
As Swami Vishwananda teaches: "What do you have when you have God? Everything?
Dearest Babaji,
thank you. Thank you for your lovely answer. It is true my mind was more focused on my Guruji. It was just love which made me blind. This morning I made my Atma Kriya in the right way. With your and Guruji's help I know I can handle it.
I send you and my Beloved all my love.
yes, when you have God, you have everything!
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