
Monday, October 15, 2012

How Do You Know This Inner Call

How do you know this inner call?

People have a house but they feel something is missing; they have this urge to know more. You buy one object after the other and you are not satisfied; there is always something lacking. This deep emptiness can be filled by everyone through the urge to know more. When you turn inwardly, you have this satisfaction inside yourself. One learns to observe and people feel it. When you take a decision in life, the first feeling you have is always the right one. But the mind comes and the reason tells you something else to do: “Oops, it was wrong.” The first feeling was right!

–Sri Swami Vishwananda

The Fullness of God-Realization

Presence of mind is being mindfully present to
Each water droplet that falls on your body-form,
Which comes with the first warm,
Refreshing shower of your God-given day.
Rainbows carry the seven colors of the
Spectrum of light woven into the scheme
Of Earth’s design and eternal plan.
Animals are present to each moment
As they know only that moment
In which they are living.
Humanity must become like that!
Life is lived in each present moment
And that is all the life you ever will live.

Energy of Love is all there is.
Things of material form come and go
But the energy of Love is eternal
And it has no beginning or end, you see?

A blade of grass waves in the wind
In the present moment of the viewer
And in the heart of God
Who knows all things, even such as
 When each small sparrow falls.

Let us trust in this God like a magnificent and  wondrous
Spiritual teacher recently said to me:
"Let's accept gifts of Light and His [The Divine's]
Blessing with an open heart and open intellect.
Let's keep in our hearts such Love, which has no
Boundaries and which includes
All Spiritual Teachers and Masters,
Behind which is one Light - Unity for all.
Let's accept the blessing which we receive on the levels
Of our physical and subtle bodies.
Thankfulness is an aspect which brings us to
Full realization of Paramatma [The Supreme Being - God].
It is not important to know who is helping us.
Let's be thankful to God for everything, because it's only
Him Who stands behind everything."

And, it is so that life is . . .
in the fullnessof God-Realization,
Oh Dearest Mankind.

Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama

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