
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mary Magdeleine Experience at "Church of la Madeleine" Paris France

Mary Magdalene is mentioned in the Gospels as being among the women of Galilee who followed Jesus and His disciples. She was present at His Crucifixion and Burial, and went to the tomb on Easter Sunday to anoint His body. She was the first to see the Risen Lord, and to announce His Resurrection to the apostles. Accordingly, she is referred to in early Christian writings as "the apostle to the apostles."

The Church of la Madeleine, Paris France, August 2, 2012

Mary Whispers Within me . . .
as if while sitting in Church we must speak and listen quietly. I take a pen and write on a white paper shopping bag with an icon in it that I had with me. Mary of Madeleine whispered ever so sweetly inside my inner ear, with Her form upon my inner screen, the following:

Mary Madeleine

The Holy angels stand with me at the right hand
of the Father and His Son to show mankind
the compulsion which he needs to know to set himself
free of sin and to shine in the Holy Light
of Christ and His Heavenly Host.

In the shadow of your heart, I live.
In the fragrance of the rose, I am.
In all hearts I live and have my being.
I come to all who call me.

I am the ever-living magnificence of the
Holy Spirit of all the Saints resting in my name.
I am you and the all.

I cancel the soul debts of sinners everywhere
 who pray with sincerity and sanctification.
Some know who I am.
I know you all.

Pray, and I hear and will answer each one.
I am Mary of Magdeleine.
I am the one who is in secret as to the purpose
for which I was born at the time of Christ.

Bread and cheese is the food of man.
Love is the Lifeforce which sustains the all.

Mary of Magdeleine,
Love is my name

- Swamini
Vishwalakshmianandama -


  1. Wonderful!This poem is really wonderful.
    i think we must meditate on it.
    Thank you so much for your writings.

  2. Wonderful! This poem is really wonderful.
    I think we must meditate on it.
    Thank you so much for your writings.
