
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Love's Pearls of Wisdom by Mahavatar Babaji 3/11/11

Nature has its own Divine Plan. If a deer should choose to look at a statue of me, what do you think has the potential to happen? In truth, a deer has the capacity to feel energy. If the energy field around such a statue is loving and positive it could awaken something inside the deer that may carry it into human life next incarnation. This has been known to happen when an animal is developed enough to progress to a human being. Be aware that all elements of the Earth have their own design and Divine Blueprint to follow, and see the Divine within all of Creation. Be aware of this Divinity within the all even as this picture depicts the deer taking Darshan of my statue and thereby being aware of me sitting within the statue. Everything is possible with the Divine!

This depiction of Mahavatar Babaji was sent by a devotee of
Sri Swami Vishwananda from Poland.
Mahavatar says of this depiction of Himself: You see, beloveds, all things on Earth, such as this picture and the deer with the statue of me above, have Divinity within them. Why? Because God is in everything, the All! It is man's judgment, pride and ego that does not allow him to perceive Divinity within the All.

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