
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Love's Pearls of Wisdom by Mahavatar Babaji


How can it be that the signs of the times are recognized mainly by the few at the time they are happening? It is said that history reveals the past in a more clear way than when events are occurring in present time. The Spiritual Power of a Satguru is experienced only by the few of the entire population while He is living in bodily form. Then later, even millions of people who never knew Him in the physical come to love and venerate the Master. This is good in itself!

A white dove is a symbol for peace. Signs of the times were revealed to the people at the time of Christ who knew of this sign of the Dove embodied in the Christ. Signs of the times were revealed at the baptism of Jesus by John, the forerunner. It is written correctly that the Spirit of God descended from Heaven in the form of a Dove and a Voice from Heaven declared: “This is my beloved-ed Son in whom I am well pleased.” One of the names of Jesus then and now is “The Peacemaker.” This “peace that passeth all understanding,” comes when one controls the mind and realizes his own Divinity. In his heart he realizes that he is a part of The Divine’s grand design for man, a part of God for eternity.

Today in your time, one of the signs that Prema Avatar and Satguru Sri Swami Vishwananda gives you is that the complexity and plethora of spiritual writing and spiritual teaching through the centuries is very good. Simultaneously, He shows you that there can be simplicity in attaining the Divine. Again and again he teaches you: “When you make your first step through prayer, through chanting, the Divine will run to you. And, it is possible to attain Him. Open up the mind, surrender it to Him, and let the Love which you have inside of you flow. If you have not yet attained this Love, do everything to attain it, because that’s who you are and that’s what you are here for.” –Sri Swami Vishwananda

All people are beloved by God. Harken to the signs of your time and be one of those who realizes the Master and his teachings in His time when He dwells among you. Accept the blessings He brings from on High as he walks and talks with you. Walking with the Master on Earth and having the opportunity to take his teachings to heart is a blessing from the Divine realized by the few!

Mahavatar Babaji


  1. Dear Babaji,thank You for remembering "us few" of the grace the Divine is showering upon us having met You and our perfect master.The "finish line" seems to come nearer and nearer. Today`s time somehow seems to be similar to
    Lord Krishna`s time.He gave his strength to the few Pandavas to win the battle of Kurukshetra although the army of the Kauravas was much bigger in number. Having been connected to the Divine, the Pandavas were invincible.Hari Bol!

  2. thank you Mahavatar <3
