
Friday, October 14, 2011

The Guru Carries the Amrit - Enjoy It

This classic talk excerpt of Sri Swami Vishwananda is worthy of our remembrance, attention and realization again and again! –Swamini Vishwalakshmianandama:

“Why do you think in all religions they chant the name of God, recite the name of God? Chant the name of the Lord so that you realize the unity between the Atma (soul) and the Paramatman (God). When you realize this unity between the Atma and the Paramatman, what will stay? Only the Paramatman will stay because the only reality of the Atma is the Paramatman. The only reality of the soul is God. Your soul wants to merge with and become one with God. It wants to attain his lotus feet. The one who has realized this will join. Just in the simple name Ram, it can be granted.

“If you take the name of any deity, take the name of Rama, take Krishna, they all have a Guru, they all have a teacher to guide them. They are the embodiment of the Divine fully. They could have said it's okay we don't need one, and that's that, yet they show that in life one needs the blessing of a Guru and the way to receive it is through Satsang, through gathering. In general why do people go to a master and receive what the master is giving? You see, it is because the master carries the amrit, the nectar. Even when you don't perceive it with the mind, you do receive it , through Satsang, through our talk you are receiving something and what you are receiving is contributing to your advancement. What you are receiving, even if you receive it without knowing, is the amrit. So, being in the now is the greatest gift; being in the present moment is the greatest gift. Enjoy the nectar, enjoy the sweetness.”

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the nectar,enjoy the sweetness,enjoy Swamiji!JGD
