
Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Himalayan Orchids and You

Letter from Mahavatar Babaji

As I walk in the high Himalayas in springtime when it is the time of melting snow, it is delightful to see orchids of many species bloom there. The water created from the melting snow flows down the mountains to the Ganges River and, on its way, irrigates the crops the villagers soon will plant. At the harvest, the food for the physical forms embodies the Divine Energy and Love of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. These villagers of the high Himalayas live in simplicity and peace. Yet, I tell you truly, most have a heart connection with the Divine that has been forgotten mostly in the large cities of the world.

This is how it has come to pass that one like your teacher, Swami Vishwananda, comes to you in your cities, your homes and your hearts to awaken memory, like the villagers of the high Himalayas already have done since long in the past. Swami Vishwananda teaches you that it is time to awaken this heart connection to the Divine. When this occurs for you, you receive the Blessing and Grace of God into your lifestream. You begin to focus less on the physical world as a goal in life and you begin detaching from the material world, people, places and things.

In this process, many highs and lows in feelings and events will occur for you in your life circumstances and relationships. This is the place on the spiritual path many become discouraged and wander back into the familiar conditioning of the worldly mankind. Swami Vishwananda, as a “wandering Enlightened Master,” stands forever for mankind’s recovery of his birthright of opening the heart to Love. He comes to you, again and again, in your cities of birth and to those of you who have traveled to other cities of the world.

In this way my disciples, and his, among the crowds who come to have the Darshan of Swami Vishwananda help to anchor the energy of Swami Vishwananda’s mission into the people’s hearts, and into the places in which he travels. Swami Vishwananda’s initiated Swamis, who travel independently, also, to your cities, help to anchor the energy of Swami Vishwananda’s mission into the hearts of people and the places in which he, and they, travel. In these ways Swami Vishwananda’s message of opening the Heart to Love is spreading around the planet like an oasis suddenly springing up in a dry and arid desert that long has been praying for the living waters of life to come into its awareness.

Let you be ones, my friends, who “Open your hearts to Love” and bow at the feet of your teacher. Let you be like the Himalayan orchids that bloom in very high altitudes and thrive in what seems to be harsh conditions of nature in which to live and bloom. Like the Himalayan orchids in their places, the present world consciousness seems a harsh place in which to detach from the material world and open one’s heart to love. Yet it can happen and is occurring today in your time. Surrender to the Divine Within your own heart, and to He who shows you the way, and who is your representative of The Divine, sent to you in your cities and hearts from on High!

Mahavatar Babaji


  1. Thank YOU, Mahavatar, for another inspiring letter. It`s so wonderful
    to stay in contact with YOU in this way.What a blessing to be in direct contact with a divine master
    like Swamiji who behaves just like a normal human being.If ever HIS greatness and love can only be perceived by the heart.JGD Ramayotee

  2. Thank You very much Mahavatar Babaji for your encouraging words.

    With my regard, JGD
    Antonio M.
