
Sunday, March 27, 2011


Beloved One

This sensitivity can manifest itself also as being painful. It's not really painful, but it’s a longing for the Beloved One. The Saints know about it. Their hearts pain to be with the Divine. They cry for it. Read the life of St. Francis. Do you know how much he was crying always? But it does not have to be intensive always like that. Right now we are talking about the pain of love, but St. Francis also had great joy.

Swami Vishwananda

The Beloved's Face

Never shall I forget
the Beloved’s unfathomable face.
This face greets you in Darshan blessing,

Eternity reflected in brilliant, luminescent eyes.
His beautiful, ethereal face smiles
With pure love and beauty Divine,
As his mysterious, ancient, wise eyes
Look into your vulnerable, priceless and
Naked atmic soul.

The Beloved clears karmic samsaras
From Earth-bound souls,
Who still wander in time and space,
Chained to the natural restraints
Of Earthly pleasures and woes,
Riding the winds of time out of mind
Following gurus and teachers galore.
“Now is the time to blow a kiss to the winds of time,

And free yourself to dwell in Eternal Time,”
His loving voice echoes in your longing heart:

“Come . . .Come… Come Home,
Evermore to dwell In Eternal Time
With Me, and Thee, and The Divine,
Manifesting the triumphant,
Magnificent three-in-one.”

Know ye that now in your time,

Shiva is standing up
from Cosmic Meditation
In the great and grand Himalayas?
Be ready,
Because when Shiva is on his feet,
Many dimensions stand alert.
Shiva’s action of destruction
And Vishnu’s sustaining regeneration begins, again,
You stand…also... in jeopardy
Of winning or losing your chance, now,
For either
Attaining or temporarily forgetting, again
Your cosmic, Eternal Home.

Even as all this is birthing new life in
The prophesied Golden Era to come,
Never shall I forget
The Beloved’s beautiful, enigmatic face.
So…let it be…Love Forevermore…

Amen and Om.


Poetry must be embraced with the heart to fully appreciate and be one with it. The mind will judge and doubt. The Beloved, God and Enlightenment are also like this--Realization comes from the heart rather than the mind! -Utpalavati

Madana Mohana Murari haribol haribol haribol

Translation: For being more attractive than cupid you have stolen my heart, Beloved.


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