
Friday, January 21, 2011

Letter from Mahavatar Babaji: Your World is Changing

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Seattle, Washington in the USA is a city by the sea. Throughout the world such cities bring one’s attention to the changing coastlines around this world where humanity lives in today’s time. As your scientists inform you, time is relative and time is a mind construct. However, until the consciousness changes in the coming Sathya Age of Truth, Peace and Abundance, So It Is.

I am encouraging you, at this time, to look into your life and notice what you, personally, are doing to contribute to the pollution and self-destructive behavior of humanity that assists in results of changing climates and coastline deterioration. Man is on the brink of breaking the natural laws that the Creator set in motion to the point that will result in annihilation of life on your planet without Divine Intervention. That help is being given man. Yet, the Lord of Light deems it for man’s best interest to continue to let man play with matches, like children, until the final reckoning. And then the change in consciousness will come. It is preordained, as today we assure you.

Today and in following days, in your meditations, please consider your life and look into it and notice and change that which you can to alleviate the self-destruction playing itself out on your planet now. Yet, still this change in consciousness, world-wide, is in some time to come. I endorse you viewing the video of Swami Vishwananda speaking about the next fifty years of “What will Happen with our Earth in the next fifty years?”. I ask that you review it, even if you have seen it before. Please consider being ones that do not only “talk, talk, talk” like your teacher, Swami Vishwananda, informs you on this video.

I am Babaji, along with the forces from on High, who have the best interest of mankind at heart, hand and help for you and your planet now and in times to come. -Adonai Babaji

Note, Utpalavati: This is the first time in my recall that Babaji has signed himself, Adonai Babaji. Therefore, we are providing the definition of the word, Adonai. The word is used for men, angels, and the true God of Israel. By this signature, Babaji says that he means: “We all are one”, whether Jewish or any nationality and no matter where in this world or in the cosmos our physical forms and consciousness exists”. In his letter of today, Mahavatar Babaji is conveying: I, Utpalavati, live in the United States and Babaji used a reference for the world coastlines, Seattle, Washington, USA, to represent the coastlines of humanity and the planet, in total. Babaji is always inclusive and never exclusive when he speaks to us:

Adonai, plural form of Adon: A title variously used to refer to men, angels, and to the true God of Israel, meaning “lord, master, owner.” From the Ugaritic adn meaning "lord" or "father" and the Akkadian adannu, "mighty.

Washington, USA Coastal Changes - Sea level rise will shift coastal beaches inland and increase erosion of unstable bluffs. Major ports likely will be able to accommodate rising sea level at their facilities but adapting low-lying coastal transportation networks that serving port facilities (e.g., trains, highways) will be a significant challenge. Shellfish production in the state will possibly be negatively impacted by increasing ocean temperatures and acidity, shifts in disease and growth patterns, and more frequent harmful algal blooms. For more details, see Huppert et al. 2009. ( Link: )

What will happen with our Earth in the next fifty years?
Sri Swami Vishwananda

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